Still icky weather here. When will it be spring? No, seriously when will it? It rained this morning. You can kinda see the sun now, but it's windy.
So I found out that the boys both have games the night of Fathers and Sons, so no fun girl night for me. I'm really depressed about it and trying to convince B to take them anyway. If not, I'm going to see if they can go the first weekend after school gets out. And I still haven't set up my massage. I really need one, though. I felt a twinge in between my shoulder blades the other night when I turned and asked B to rub it for a second. He discovered the biggest knot ever. He said my entire back is knots.
Last night when I was asking Jo Jo if he was ready for bed I asked for a kiss. He was standing on the couch next to me. He wrapped his arms around my neck, gave me a kiss, and said, "I love you," and then "I love you mama." My heart melted. That was the first time he has ever said it without someone else saying it first. He's so sweet-when he wants to be. He's been going to bed much easier lately. He went through a funk for a few weeks where he wanted us to hold him and rock him and if we didn't he would scream in his crib for 30 min. or until we couldn't take it anymore and went and got him. Then he would wake up in the middle of the night and get in our bed. He's been letting us put him down again, without crying and last night when he asked me, "You there?" I said yes and then told him it was time to go night night though. He said, "Okay." I can't describe the accent he has when he says it, but it's really stinkin' cute.
Some funny JPisms that I keep forgetting to write down-
-deesgusting instead of disgusting
-ugnoring instead of ignoring
-eenoying instead of annoying
-albow instead of elbow
If you tease him about any of them, he gets really annoyed with you. It's pretty funny. His ankle still seems to be swollen about the same. His appt. is next Tues. and he's pretty freaked. B realized the other night that we probably shouldn't get an injection until baseball is over because it might really hurt to run on it for awhile. We also decided that even though he's going to really freak and we would prefer sedation for it (which the doctor suggested for younger kids who can't handle it), we're going to have him do it at the doctor's office. We started to think about hospital cost, sedation cost, etc. Because even after the insurance pays 90%, it's still going to be a lot. He did just fine at the hospital the time they took fluid from his knee with me holding him and not letting him look. So I don't see any reason he shouldn't be brave enough to do that again.
B will be leaving on Sun. afternoon for New Jersey. He'll be gone until 11:30 Thurs. night. I'm not sure how I will survive. I think I'll have him give me a blessing before he goes. I went to the gym after baseball practices last night and he seemed overwhelmed when I got home. I told him that at least I know he appreciates me while I'm gone and he has to deal with them going to bed, etc. He told me that he appreciates me no matter what so I don't ever need to leave the house again. I was like-yeah whatever ;)
Cute Jo Jo story!
Sorry you don't get to have some downtime. Hopefully you get that massage.
I think the blessing is a fantastic idea! Trying to handle everything by yourself is really tough. Good Luck!
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