Wednesday, September 9, 2009

10 Random Things I LOVE

So my SIL posted a fun thing-name 10 things you love and then tag 10 people. I doubt I have 10 readers, so do it if you want to. Spread the love around.

In no particular order-

Big Daddy and the little men

See's raspberry cream chocolate

the OCEAN/beach

my kids giggles

Hot CHOCOLATE on a cold morning

Halloween (my favorite holiday)






Janet said...

Great posts! It's been a few days for me, so I enjoyed catching up. I never knew that Halloween was your favorite holiday! That's pretty cool. Kate is not in preschool this year, part of me wishes that she was, and part of me is glad to have one more year to just hang out. Tell Bubba congratulations on his game! How fun! I also loved the fishing pictures. The one of JP is so beautiful. Sometimes I think Kevin needs to spend every other month with you to get in some good total boy time. He would love going shooting and fishing. We just haven't gotten into that too much yet. Anyway-sorry this is long. Thanks for the great posts!

Jared and Delia said...

I love this. Thanks for doing it!

I knew you loved Disneyland, but I didn't know you loved Halloween either. I need to try that raspberry cream chocolate. Sounds yummy.