Is this not the cutest blue eyed boy you've ever seen in your life?
Things he's started saying this week:
-"Ba ba"=bye bye (while waving)
-"Ine" or "Awn"=drink (not sure how this one fits)
He just discovered today how to climb onto the kitchen chairs to reach the computer or sit on the table. Oh joy, now I can't ever leave him downstairs alone. He's also discovered how fun it is to grab the counter top and lift his feet so he's hanging and swinging. I've said it before and I'll say it again that this boy is going to be the death of me. He also really loves the pool. He likes to chill in his floaty and hang over the side as far as he can to put his face in the water, or lean his head back and relax. When he's not in the floaty he likes to climb in and out onto the top stair and throw anything and everything in for his brothers to fetch.
wow...he is really busy!
I hate it when they learn to climb onto a chair to climb onto something higher. That ranks right up there with opening cupboards and then opening doors. Anyways, I was just catching up on your blog. Our kids love watching Man vs. Wild and so every now and then they love to have, "Survivor Day" where they have to stay outside, (unless they have to use the bathroom) and survive. They are alowed to bring a water bottle and then they make forts with beach towels, etc. Believe it or not--they love it and will spend hours outside! I'm glad that your summer is going better.
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