Tuesday, June 16, 2009

This Summer Totally Blows So Far!

So Peanut has been on the war path. He's been acting out beating up his brothers, throwing stuff at them, hitting them, and peeing everywhere. I'm not sure if it's because daddy has been out of town for a week, or if because brothers are home and messing up his schedule and mom time. Either way, I'm completely losing my mind. He's peed 6 times since last Fri. Generally, it's twice a day. In the garage, kitchen chair, bathroom floor (twice), playroom, my lap during a parade on Sat. It's so frustrating because whether I yell at him, or just calmly explain it to him, it doesn't work. What do I do? Any suggestions? Yesterday, he threw a plastic nerf gun at his baby brother's head! It cut his head open. It's tiny, but open. I was pretty much freaking out. It looked like it would take one stitch, but the ER seemed a little extreme, not to mention expensive. So I went to the drugstore and got some liquid bandage stuff. The pharmacist didn't think it would work, but I cut his hair around it as much as I could and put it on. It's scabbing over, so I think it will work just fine. Luckily, it's kind of in the hair line. Even if it scars, it's so tiny it will be fine. But I sent him to his room for a long time out, which equals him playing in his room. But then when JP went up to let him out, he had peed on the bathroom floor on 3 of his brothers books. It's sort of their fault for reading in the bathroom and leaving books on the floor, but this time I think it may have been a case of not getting there in time. He did tell me that he was trying to make it, so I think I can believe him.

Over the weekend we were at our town's fun days celebration. It rained, but not so hard that we didn't enjoy it. We went to the parade on Sat. and it's such a fun thing each year. The first part of the parade is dry, and then all bets are off while the people watching squirt the people in the parade and the people in the parade squirt the onlookers. The first "attraction" coming thru was a ginormous dump truck full of water and the men inside were filling and re-filling squirt guns and shooting the crowd. Now they're not your average gun, they're the ones that kind of look like those things that clowns use to blow up balloons. They suck the water up instantly and shoot it out. They shoot FAR!! The military guys come thru in their trucks and there are also several fire engines. This year they also had several people with tanks on the back of trucks with hoses! Of course mom, baby, Peanut and I re-treated before it started. Peanut originally wanted to participate, but when he realized how cold it was, he changed his mind. It didn't phase the parade goers one bit. The older boys stayed out the whole time and when it was over, tried to claim they were telling them to stop, but they're perfectly aware that you have to stand back several hundred yards if you want to stay dry. It's such a fun tradition that we enjoy every year. They also have a carnival (that we usually don't go to since we always go to the state fair). They have food and and vendor booths too. Bubba and JP both used some grade money to buy baseball plaques. Bubba of course got one with Derek Jeter (NY Yankees), and JP got one with a championship photo of all the guys from the Red Sox World Series. Each plaque also had two baseball cards on it. They were very excited. It was a lot of fun. I'm really looking forward to my honey's return Friday night!


Jared and Delia said...

Oh man! I am so sorry. Owen has been pretty moody lately too...but nothing compared to Peanut for sure. We just had an FHE lesson on being kind. I THINK it helped but it has only been a day so...

Good luck. :) Love ya.

Janet said...

Kate has been harder to live with lately. It doesn't help that everything is getting packed up! She especially likes to go after Kevin and they have been fighting so much. I think you are right, with Dad gone and brothers at home his world has been turned upside down! I am so sorry that things have been so difficult. I totally would have gotten the liquid bandaid too. We took Kate to the ER once when she cut her ear and that's all that they did. Then as soon as we got home she pulled it off! Hundreds of dollars later.... I was wishing I had just gone to the store instead. Good luck for the next couple of days. I hope things get better soon!