Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Peanut!!

Peanut had a birthday on Sunday. Saturday night we went to dinner at Souper Salad (we convinced him to eat there because he could get ice cream and we didn't want Chuck E. Cheese pizza). So after dinner, though, we promised we would go play games at Chuck E. Cheese. The boys had a great time. Even Jo Jo got in on the action. He got to ride several of the little kiddie rides. As a side note-never go there on a Saturday night. I had already suspected it would be crazy, but it was really bad. I hope no one gets offended by this, but every hispanic in the valley and all the white trash in the valley were there. It was so awful. Their kids were rude and out of control. They were letting their kids climb up on the skeeball lanes and put the balls in the holes by hand! Great example teaching your kids that it's okay to cheat. Plus, it smelled because they were letting their kids run around in their socks (there's not even a ball pit). And it was 74 degrees in there and with all the bodies, it felt more like 84. I don't even keep it that hot in my house and we only have 6 bodies here.

On a happier note we had a few friends over after dinner on Sunday for soccer cake and homemade vanilla ice cream. He asked for vanilla. Our theme went from football, to transformers, to soccer. I opted not to buy the soccer ball shaped pan and decided instead just to make a round cake and decorate it like a soccer ball. It was my first time ever attempting such a feat and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed with myself. It was a great success, except for the pop gun dad bought from Cabela's. He's so considerate to remember that I'm the one home with him all day while he pops it incessantly.

So a little tribute to Mama's Little Peanut-
Smiley, dimple, chicken nuggets, hot dogs, chocolate milk, cars, trains, legos, Sunbeam, Disneyland, big brother, puzzle wizard, loving brother, mama's helper, so big, happy, pokey hair, snuggly, tall, lover of games, big boy potty (finally), dress-up, bike rider, so smart, funny, animals, organizer. He will always be my little Peanut.
I love when he tells people that's his name. Yesterday he said his name was Peanut George. He makes me smile daily. Happy Birthday Big Boy!!!

And lastly, last week after school, we looked out our back window to see this-

We didn't have any rain by our house, but they must have behind us. JP wanted to go look for the gold at the end, until Bubba told him there was no such thing and that rainbows never ended anyway. Alas, another dream shattered by big brother. More and more lately I've been getting sad when some magical secret is ruined. I still want to believe in magic. Did you ever see the live Peter Pan movie? "I do believe in fairies. I do, I do."


Jared and Delia said...

Happy Birthday Peanut! We sent a card a day late. Sorry about that. We love you! Chuckie Cheese is not my favorite place either. Luckily we don't have one here. :)

Janet said...

Happy Birthday Peanut! We have a card still sitting here--so lame! I'm sorry.

I do have to say that your cake turned out fantastic! Such a great mom!

And, I do believe in fairies, I do! I do! (That's my favorite Peter Pan version).