Saturday, October 4, 2008

Someday I'll Sleep Again

So I'm running on little sleep again. Poor baby Cart-man was restless all night because he was getting his first tooth. He has decided that there's no better place to sleep than if mom is holding you in her arms in her bed-just laying next to her in bed just isn't good enough. He's great to just hang out and play during the day, but night time is a different story.

Peanut has decided to be a "tiga" for Halloween. The costume is from another year when JP used it and it's a bit small, but he's decided he likes to roar at people. He asked if he could sleep in it tonight, but I told him he would get too hot, so he's going to wear it "a-mah-yo" (tomorrow). We had some lovely pooping experiences this week. One day he decided to go in his underwear and it was grosser than gross, so I took him in the front yard, stripped him naked and power washed him with the hose. He decided it hurt and was cold and didn't want to do it again. I know I'm a bad mom, but it worked with the other two. So the next day I heard someone go into the bathroom and lift the lid and then close it and come out. I asked if he went potty and he said, "No, I was just putting my poop in the toyet." So I checked his underwear and sure enough he had gone a teeny bit and had put it in the toilet, so we changed pants and washed hands for sure after that one. Today, however, I had success. He told me he had to poop and then he went on the toilet! Hooray! We'll see if this is the beginning of the end.

B left for Vegas this afternoon. I watched conference and was spiritually fed. It was so uplifting to hear all the messages of enduring and hope. It makes me feel like I'll make it through these difficult times. The boys and I went to Deseret Book tonight for ladies night and let me tell you, if you're claustrophobic-bad idea. It was wall to wall ladies trying to win stuff. I think that I will re-think attending with 4 kids next time. I didn't win anything much to Bubba's chagrin, but they did have free cherry chocolate truffles and lots of yummy cookies. I took them to Fudruckers for a treat dinner afterwards and the two big boys got salads. How cool is that? The little one had like 2 french fries. I swear he survives on fruit snacks and cereal.

My sister got the bridesmaids dresses for her wedding and mine is a size ginormous, so I have some excercising to do because I refuse to admit I'm that size. I started walking yesterday and I've been eating better. It's hard to feel good about yourself when you're surrounded by skinny women in the ward that survive on twigs and berries and all your sisters-in-law are twigs. I think excercising is highly overrated and I enjoy eating the occassional dessert, so I doubt I'll ever fit into my purple vinyl pants again, but at least I might lose that baby belly so I don't still look 5 months pregnant. Well, my dad insisted I put an updated picture of myself, so I had Bubba take one. It's even sans make-up, so you can see me in all my natural glory. LOL. I'm growing my hair back out. I thought it would be good to cut it for the summer, but now I don't like it. It took me 4 years to grow it to where it was, so I'm missing it. I'll put a before and after photo. Well, I'm single mom again until sometime Tues. night, so we'll see how it goes this time. I told Daddio he owes me big time because the kids have been home from school all week on Fall Break. They barely started school, so I'm not sure what they were thinking having a break all week. I think they watched every Star Wars movie this week and tried to kill each other playing "life savers" (light sabers). We also discovered "High School Musical" from the library and Bubba loved it. He really likes musicals like his mom. He loved "Hairspray" too. I'm thinking he might even like "Mama Mia." Anyway, I'll keep you all updated on the mis-adventures of the week.

1 comment:

Jared and Delia said...

Your posts are great. I am SO glad to have someone else in our family to share blogging with.

BTW...You DO NOT look 5 months pregnant - you are beautiful!

I am so sorry you are flying solo for a while. When Jared is gone, I don't sleep as well- even if I don't have a teething baby keeping me up.

Peyton's poop stories are hilarious. Yay for Peyton going on the potty. Owen used to ask for a diaper to poop. Luckily he is over that. Now we just have to work on using only the amount of toilet paper we need. We have been going through toilet paper like water.