Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dear Dr. King,
I know you were a great American leader. It must have been hard to fight against racism. Thank you for standing for your beliefs. I love your I have a dream speech.

He came home from school the other day with this mounted to construction paper with a picture of Dr. King on it.

Last night while I was making dinner I heard JP reading Peanut's new library books to him. He never asked him too, nor did I. He just started doing it on his own. That totally made my crappy day all better. His leg is still swollen, not as much I think. Someone threw Bubba to the ground yesterday after school. Luckily he went face down and not on his side. Worrying about that kid will be the death of me. Jo Jo has started talking with his tongue in between his teeth. I don't really know how to describe it, but he mostly just makes noises and it's annoying. Yesterday he climbed in my lap and said, "I a baby." I said yep, you're my baby. He always will be no matter how big-or stinky-he gets.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It's Official

Yep, JP really has arthritis. We saw the pediatric orthopedic doctor today and that was the prognosis. He's still swollen. We're supposed to keep him full of Motrin to get that down. He'll see him again in 4 weeks. If it's not down by then, he'll have to get a cortizone shot in his knee. That will not be acceptable to him I'm sure, so we're hoping the Motrin works. He will also have to see a pediatric opthamologist to get his eyes checked since this can also cause the back of the eyes to swell. Just what we need. Actually just what HE needs. Poor guy. He's such a trooper. He's never complained, just let us know that it hurts after being on it for awhile.
We also took Bubba to see him at the same time. That was nice to not have to drive to that side of town several times since Jo Jo and Peanut had their swine flu boosters over that way today too. So anyway, we took him there because we got a statement in the mail from the insurance the other day informing us that his previous doctor is not in our network. We're most likely going to try and dispute his $450 bill (for only 2 visits mind you) since neither the hospital (who are the ones who referred us to him) nor his office told us that. Can I tell you how upset I am about that? Luckily this new doctor is (who the new hospital referred us to). I was feeling a little overwhelmed this morning-and claustrophobic in the "room" behind that curtain they gave us. "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain." His PA (who was a MAN wearing slacks and a dress shirt) was super nice, and the doctor (who was also dressed up) was very nice and we got a good feeling from him-unlike the other doctor who seemed like he could've cared less. So can I tell you how much better I'm loving this new hospital and their doctors. How much difference it makes for your experience.

Monday, February 22, 2010

My friend has posted a few of the pictures from our shoot. I can't believe how cute they are. If I get 15 comments she'll give me two 3x3 accordion albums for free, so even if you don't comment on MY blog, please leave one on hers. Thanks for your help.

Friday, February 19, 2010

A couple of days ago I opened our new crockpot that I got with a giftcard. I heard some noise in the other room and this is what I came in to see. I have absolutely no idea how they both fit in that box.

My cute little boy who stays up until midnight with mom and dad put on brother's hat last night-and even kind of smiled. For some reason he doesn't smile very often when he looks at the camera.

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Is this not the most gorgeous boy? We went to my neighbor's house yesterday (who is also in my ward). She's been taking pictures for a little while now and offered to take birthday pictures for free if we let her put his picture on her website. I haven't seen them yet except for this one that she emailed me yesterday. It was so fun. She's awesome. She had so many fun things for pictures. He wasn't that in to it, but we bribed him with candy and hopefully we got at least one with him smiling. She had Peanut come in after we were done and she started taking pictures-with his holey jeans and pokey hair. I said, why don't I just go home and get him an outfit and we can do his birthday picts. too since he'll be 5 in a little over a week? So I left them there and came back and did his hair and put him in a cute sweater and jeans. She said he was so photogenic and said that every picture was the cutest one she'd ever seen. He was soooo good. What a big boy.

Today we met dad at Carl's Jr. for lunch before heading to the grocery store. They have this thing there that you can put balls in and it sucks them up to the 2nd level. It was taller than Jo Jo and he said, "Help me Mama. I put the ball in there." When did he start talking like a 3 yr. old? I guess it helps your vocabulary when you have 3 big brothers.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Super Long Post-Beware

Sun. night we were hanging out in the living room and B noticed that JP's 2nd toe on his right foot was swollen. He didn't remember hitting it and said it was like that all the time, though I know it's not. So later when we were putting them to bed and he was wearing his pajama shorts, B noticed that his knee and ankle were both really swollen with fluid as well. We decided I should take him to the ER Mon. since the doctor would be closed for the holiday. The doctor was concerned with 2 things-arthritis and infection. They had to take fluid from the knee and also draw blood so we could test for both. So, they had to prep the knee with iodine and put one of those blue cloths with the hole in it over it. You know how you see those on tv when they're doing stitches? So the doctor first stuck in a needle with numbing fluid. Then he did the 2nd one to remove fluid. He told JP if he needed him to stop to let him know and we had to stop once. I spent the whole time hugging him so he wouldn't look. He was so so very brave. He didn't scream or cry.
-This is from this morning when it was looking much better-

Then they had to draw blood from his arm. He did NOT do well with that. However unlike his mom with the smallest veins ever who has to be stuck 5 times, he has a really big vein in his right arm and they were able to get what they needed right away. He shed some tears during this one and said it continued to hurt for quite awhile-which if you've ever had blood drawn or an IV you know it does since you have that thing sticking in your arm. They were the best nurse and doctor I've ever had in an ER. After the experiences with the bad ones with Bubba lately, it was really nice. They both explained everything they were doing to him in detail. The nurse even got out a clean needle casing to show him all the parts (minus the needle) and let him keep it. They let him know how it would feel, that it would hurt, but it would go away and he could squeeze mom's hand. They were so impressed with his bravery. We went to a different ER this time (that is a different hospital) because our insurance will cover them, and I will never go back to any of the other hospital's locations. So results-it took a little over an hour for results (which I was thrilled we were getting them the same day) and there was no infection. Everything looked great-white count, kidneys, etc. The rhematoid arthritis sample came back negative as well. However, the doctor said this doesn't necessarily mean anything. he said if it's positive, then it's definite, but sometimes negative doesn't mean he doesn't have it. He talked with an orthopedic doctor who wants to see him next week. He said it was arthritis (there's more than just the rhematoid kind). I know you're thinking-kids can get it? Yep, which I already knew because we have friends from our old ward with a little boy who has it really bad and has to take daily shots. I'm really hoping this is not JP's case. We will know after next Tues. He's really a trooper. He had a birthday party after that he'd been planning on for awhile and they said as long as he didn't run around on his knee for awhile he'd be okay. He told all of his friends that he has arthritis, though when I asked him if he knew what that was, he said no. It's funny that he's like "whatever" about it. He never even asked me afterwards what it was, though I did explain after his party. Although I had a hard time trying to figure out how to explain it and he was only half listening anyway. He never even complained about any pain this time so hopefully that's a good thing. He's complained a lot before about his legs hurting, but we always assumed it was growing pains. When the doctor and I asked where it normally hurt though, he pointed to his knee. The doctor asked if we had any in our family and I said I didn't really think so, though I have problems with my hands and wrists. The doctor has always told me before that I was too young to have it. He's an old friend, so he's not a very good doctor for us. Then after talking to my mom, I found out my grandma has it and my mom has it a little, though it doesn't bother her anymore because she takes one Aleve everyday. So much for that. I was talking with a friend last night who is an occupational therapist about how I have knee trouble too, and she said that if I have a high pain threshold, I might not even realize I have it. That makes sense. I had all four boys with no epidural so I've always known I have a high pain threshold. We already met our deductible with Bubba this year, so now we're really getting our money's worth. I would like no more visits to the ER this year please Heavenly Father. Sorry this was so super long, but I just wanted to let you all know what is going on with our sweet boy. I will keep you updated.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

So my sister-in-law did this and I thought it would be fun. I like reading other people's things like this and thought I'd share too.

4 shows I like to watch: (I'm kind of a tv-aholic at night after my kids go to bed, so I record lots of shows and watch them later)
1. Amazing Race
2. Biggest Loser
3. CSI (the original)
4. Lost

4 things I am passionate about:
1. My family
2. Reading
3. I like to bake, although I'm not sure if you could say passionate about it
4. Music

4 phrases I say a lot:
1. Really? (in a sarcastic sounding voice)
2. Knock it off/stop doing that (insert one of my kid's names here)
3. I love you
4. Get in bed

4 things I have learned, or am learning:
1. French
2. Patience with my kids (not very well, but trying)
3. Boys don't know how to pee in the actual toilet
4. Why God gave me all boys

4 places I would like to go;
1. Paris (actually I'd like to tour all of France)
2. Back to the UK
3. Hawaii
4. Australia

4 things I did yesterday:
1. laundry
2. Pilates
3. ate a Suzy Q for lunch (sorry Janet, I'm a junkfood junkie)
4. taped Lifesavers to 32 Valentines

4 things I am looking forward to:
1. Traveling with my husband
2. Losing those last 10 pounds
3. Learning how to decorate cakes
4. Growing my hair out again (what else is new? every time I cut it, I want to grow it back out)

4 things on my wish list:
1. My boys to all serve missions
2. New clothes (what girl doesn't always want new clothes?)
3. Travel with my husband-wait, did I already say that?
4. A million dollars, I mean world peace ;)

I'm not going to tag anyone. I just thought this would be fun. So if you want to do it, then do. If you think it's lame, well then you're lame. Not really, but I always say that kind of thing to my kids when they say something like that. That probably makes me a horrible mother, but whatever. I make up for it by writing reports about Abraham Lincoln-including printing off the Gettysburg Address in Lincoln's handwriting and putting it on card stock and coloring the border of a ginormous poster in colored pencil when your hand is cramping. Oh, and taping Lifesavers to 71 Valentine cards. Oh yeah, and staying up until midnight on a nightly basis with Chatty Kathy while he jumps on the couch and plays with all of his really loud toys that he doesn't play with during the day. And cleaning pee off the wall, floor, and outside of the toilet.

Monday, February 8, 2010

So it's 1 pm. Just about time for Jo Jo's nap. Peanut was having a "bread" for lunch. I know, very filling. Anyway, Jo Jo comes running over to me shouting something like, "be-fast." I thought he was saying "breakfast," but wasn't sure so I had him take me to the pantry to show me. He kept pointing to the bread and saying, "be-fast." I asked if he wanted bread and he said, "bread," but then said the other word again. So normally he asks for bread by using the actual word, but for some reason today he was calling it breakfast. Thought that was cute. In the pictures you can see his new Spongebob pajama pants. We found them at Target on clearance for $1 since they are Christmas pants, but whatever, they're warm and they were $1. He is also wearing one of Peanut's undershirts that is a little big for him. And I'm sure you're asking yourself, "Why is he still in his pajamas at 1 pm?" My answer-because we're not going anywhere today so who cares. At this moment, he is proceeding to take everything that is on the baking shelf in the pantry off, and putting it on the kitchen counter. Good times.

On Friday afternoon I decided to paint my toenails while the kids were playing downstairs. Jo Jo generally realizes I'm not in the room pretty quickly and walks through the house yelling, "Mama, mama." I let him know I was in my bathroom and he came in to watch. You know where this is going, don't you? So he stuck his foot out at me and said, "my foot." So I thought, what the heck I'll see if he lets me. Well, he sat perfectly still and wanted me to do both feet. Every time I see his feet now I smile. When we came downstairs later Bubba loudly said, "What did you do that for mom?" Because he asked me to. Simple as that. I showed B later and he laughed and said he didn't blame me because my little shadow wants to do what I do and I won't get to do it with a little girl. Plus, he's such a boy boy, that it's not going to scar him. Here he is showing me his toes very proudly.

And finally, this was taken yesterday while he was emptying his toy bin out in the living room. I guess he needed a place to sit.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Snow Much Fun

I know, corny title, but it had to be done. So we got snow on Sunday. The kids were so excited. The past few years we get more snow than the year before, but this year it's only snowed like this once or twice. The snow was perfect for a snowman. B was the first one outside and started rolling it up from the back of the yard to the front. This became our result-

Check out Jo Jo throwing a snowball at it.

They also made a snow fort versus a picnic table. That was an all out battle to see who could get who the most. This was Jo Jo's first time ever playing in the snow. I'm so mad. I bought him snow boots in the Spring that were the size he's wearing now, but I could NOT get them on to save my life. I was so so bummed. Luckily we had rubber boots from the other boys visiting the farm that were the right size. He was a little leary at first about walking in the snow, but once he figured it out, it was all good.

I opted to stay inside and occasionally venture out in the doorway to video tape and take pictures.

Cute things Jo Jo has been saying lately-

Yesterday while we were driving he said, "I fine it the big truck. Here it comes, here it comes." I realized I always say that when I need to distract him and say, "Here it comes," so he can see where it is. We were also at an intersection and there was a truck that looked like B's waiting to go through the light (it was all the way across the road) and he said the same thing except instead of that first line, he said, "I fine it daddy's truck."

The other day he had Peanut's popper gun (the one from Cabela's that makes the obnoxious popping sound) and he was pointing it and said, "I shoot the birds." That night he was playing with it and proceeded to tell me, "I shoot the dog," and then the letters (while pointing it at their intials on the wall), then the bear, and then the birds again. When did he become such a big boy. I guess he never had a chance to be a baby with 3 big brothers.

Last night I was reading a book all about trucks to him. It's in cartoon form and the dumptruck on the front has dirt in it. So he points to the dirt and says, "chocolate." I'm so proud.

My other favorite is, "I need you" every time he wants to be held. Usually he inserts mama or daddy after it. It melts my heart every time and needless to say, he gets picked up.

Last week, I was having a particularly hard day with him. He was doing so many naughty things-climbing on the table and throwing chip crumbs and cereal on the floor, refusing to nap, throwing toys at his brother's head, jumping on the couch onto his brother's stomach, pulling chairs over to the couch to climb over it and jump. Finally I'd had enough and I said, "You're a brat." His reply, "You brat mommy." Nice.