This Sat. after our football game (which we won by the way-6/0 now) we went to our local fire station for their annual open house. They have a fire house with fake smoke in it where the kids can learn to crawl under the smoke, and in the other half they start a fire to show them how fast it can spread and how hot it gets. They also have free hot dogs, water, soda, and cookies. They have tables with search and rescue pictures and info. and of course a few of their dogs. Jo Jo loved them and pet all three of them. They have Sparky the fire dog (he's a guy dressed in a dalmation costume). I was surprised that Jo Jo also went up to him and gave him a high five. They also have a fire truck from 1931 they can climb on and ring the bell. They also let them climb inside the new firetrucks and also have an ambulance they can go in. Then, they cut apart a wrecked car to show the kids how they use the jaws of life and their other tools. We barely missed it this year, but saw it last year and it's so AWESOME! They also have a fireman dress in full gear and drag a dummy. It's a very fun day, although this year it was freezing so they had the front door and one of the back doors closed and no one was in the firehouse outside. We froze our buns off at football even though it was an 11:30 game. It was so hazy. Even with blankets and sweatshirts it was cold. This weekend we'll bring a comforter and big jackets and gloves since the game is at 8:30 am!! Gag! Here are a few pictures.

Jo Jo driving the old fire truck.

Peanut sitting in the back seat of the fire truck. Bubba thought it was so cool that someone sits back there while driving.

JP in front of the fire truck.

Da-ee and Jo Jo inside the other fire truck.
So I was able to get my hair fixed this Sat. with my friend's hairdresser. As soon as I sat in the chair, she said it looked awful. Gee thanks. She said we would have to cut it right under my ears to fix it, but that's okay because that's how short I wanted it before, but didn't want the other girl to chance it. So here's a picture with Spence at the fire station. I really like it and so do my husband and boys so that's all that matters.

Jo Jo is jabbering away all day now. He has full on conversations with me. Too bad I don't understand.
Some of his new words-
-nat nats=fruit snacks
-1,2 (these he started saying this morning while he was pointing to different things on my socks)
-os eyes=french fries (this one he said today when we were in line for McD's at the mall while pointing to the french fry machine)
-owie (he kept repeating this the other day without hurting himself at all)
He learned this last one from all the times we have said it to him when he's doing something that will get him hurt-like trying to dive head first over the back of the couch where he would land on the tile.
Our last football game is this coming Sat. Bubba is a little bummed, but has decided he for sure wants to play again next year. He got to play wide receiver last game, but missed his catch due to quarterback error. But he didn't get down on himself, which is a first.
Well, time to make dinner (I know it's late, but Bubba doesn't get done with practice until 7pm, so we wait for him). And get Mr. Helping Hands off my lap:}