Thursday, October 29, 2009

Crazy Hair Day

Today is crazy hair day at school. And the color for drug free week is red, hence the red hair. A lot of kids were wearing wigs when I dropped them off. You should've see the girls. They had hair like the little girl in "The Grinch." The kid who wears the most red from each class everyday gets to go to the office and get a treat. Also, the class with the most red. JP isn't feeling the red shirts this week, although he did wear a pair of my Christmas socks on crazy sock day. Bubba opted for red hair, red t-shirt, sweatshirt, and sweats. He also wore a pair of my Christmas socks the other day. He's hoping to win today. I can't believe JP wanted me to do his hair today. He has NEVER participated in crazy hair day. Maybe he's finally coming out of his shell a little bit. Yay for him!

It was 27 degrees when I took them to school this morning, and I tried to convince Bubba to wear more than a t-shirt and super thin sweatshirt to no avail. He'll figure it out at recess when he's freezing his bum off.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Boo at the Zoo

Yes, I am aware that his hair is officially out of control. This was after his bath last night. I have to say that I love it. I have actually trimmed it about 3 times, but I can't bear to cut it off.

Today our zoo had their annual Boo at the Zoo. They have a few booths and characters walking around passing out candy. They also have a local radio station costume contest and food booths. We go to see the animals and get candy. Fun times.

Sticking our tongues out like the Kimodo dragon. They have a ginormous one there.

Dad and "Dark" Vader in the penguin encounter.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater

So we were in the car on the way home from Del Taco today when Peanut started asking Jo Jo if he could say different words. Here is the list that he repeated-monkey, chilly, each of the brother's names and Jo Jo, house, donut, cat, cow, dog, barn, tree, flag, grass, trash, bag, dirt, and 1,2,3. I was pretty amazed. He completely repeats everything I say to him now. It's super cute.

Barrel train ride. Such a cute big brother holding on to baby to make sure he's safe.

Bubba and the camel.

So we went to the pumpkin patch last Sat. after our final football game. Yes, we went undefeated this season. Our last game was 38-0. Bubba was a little bummed that it was already over, but is planning on next year. Very fun and exciting. We go to the pumpkin patch every year to pick pumpkins and do the fun activities that they have. First the kids did the little hay maze. Then Peanut and Jo Jo rode the little train made out of 55 gallon drums. Then we went in the petting zoo tent, though we didn't feed anything. They had what must be a young camel, and a baby alpaca. They had a big camel last year, so I wonder if this one was her baby. Next, Peanut did a pony ride. I walked by him, forgetting that B usually does it because I get dizzy easily. Needless to say, by the time we were done, I started to get a headache. Then he went on the swings and while he was doing that (which btw I couldn't even watch because of the whole dizzy thing) the two older boys and dad did a pumpkin slingshot. They did this twice. They each got three pumpkins to sling at two hay targets pretty far away. JP hit the first target and earned a plastic dinosaur. He was pretty stoked. Then we went on the hayride to pick our pumpkins. They go all the way from teenie Jo Jo size to ginormous bigger than dad can carry size. This year (since they've gotten kinda pricy) we opted for two pretty heavy, but medium sized ones for the older boys. Mom is the official carver and they get to pick out those design ones that you tape to your pumpkin to stencil and cut out. Peanut, Jo Jo and I went to the same place the day before for his class field trip so he got to pick out any one that he could carry himself. He came home and drew the most awesome face with two mouths, eyes, hair, and ears. All in all, a great family fun day.

Heading into the hay maze.

Mom and Dad on the hayride. Yay, a picture of us together finally!

Just swingin' around.

Sitting on the edge of the hay wagon because they were too cool to sit on the hay bales.

Riding his pony. He ended up being kinda onery, so they switched him out when he was done.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Just Goofin' Around

Some crazy monkeys were hanging around our kitchen on the computer last night. This is what we were able to catch on camera.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

So I was wrong about a few of Jo Jo's words. First of all, 'bus' actually does sound like 'bus' and 'truck' is actually 'srut' which sounds a lot closer than what I thought it was. He also said 'please' for the first time today, and when we saw a tractor on the road and I told him what it was, he said 'trat-er'. He pretty much repeats almost everything we say now. It's pretty cute. By the time he's 2, he'll be talking up a storm.

We had a serious wind storm yesterday mixed with rain. It was cool, but not fun when you come out of the grocery store with 2 kids and you didn't even know it was supposed to rain, and it didn't look like it would when I went in. Oh well, gotta love the fall. Friday we have a pumpkin patch field trip for pre-school, so both Peanut and I are pretty excited. He gets to pick any pumpkin that he can carry.

As a side note, yes the tablespoon was hard to eat out of because it had a lip on it, so I had to practically drop the cereal into my mouth:)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My very cute boy boys brought these in the house last week. We have the most beautiful autumn blaze maple (I think that's the name) in our front yard. They've brought in a few more, but we forgot to flatten them so they end up curled up in the morning.

I just finished eating Honey Nut Cheerios with a tablespoon. Never had to do that before, but have had to use one of the kids spoons. Since it's Peanut's week to do dishes, I get stuck doing them, and they seriously piled up yesterday. So the last of the spoons were used by boys this morning before school. I'm very resourceful like that you know ;)

Picture day is tomorrow. I'm excited to update their photos. Now to get JP to wear a shirt with a collar. Yesterday he told me, "I am NOT wearing a tie." I told him he didn't need to wear a church shirt, just a nice polo, so hopefully he can do that for 1 day.

Hey, if anyone is looking to buy small gifts or wrapping paper, my boys are doing a Sally Foster fundraiser for school. The website is and you'll need their school number for them to get credit-964354.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fire Station Open House

This Sat. after our football game (which we won by the way-6/0 now) we went to our local fire station for their annual open house. They have a fire house with fake smoke in it where the kids can learn to crawl under the smoke, and in the other half they start a fire to show them how fast it can spread and how hot it gets. They also have free hot dogs, water, soda, and cookies. They have tables with search and rescue pictures and info. and of course a few of their dogs. Jo Jo loved them and pet all three of them. They have Sparky the fire dog (he's a guy dressed in a dalmation costume). I was surprised that Jo Jo also went up to him and gave him a high five. They also have a fire truck from 1931 they can climb on and ring the bell. They also let them climb inside the new firetrucks and also have an ambulance they can go in. Then, they cut apart a wrecked car to show the kids how they use the jaws of life and their other tools. We barely missed it this year, but saw it last year and it's so AWESOME! They also have a fireman dress in full gear and drag a dummy. It's a very fun day, although this year it was freezing so they had the front door and one of the back doors closed and no one was in the firehouse outside. We froze our buns off at football even though it was an 11:30 game. It was so hazy. Even with blankets and sweatshirts it was cold. This weekend we'll bring a comforter and big jackets and gloves since the game is at 8:30 am!! Gag! Here are a few pictures.

Jo Jo driving the old fire truck.

Peanut sitting in the back seat of the fire truck. Bubba thought it was so cool that someone sits back there while driving.

JP in front of the fire truck.

Da-ee and Jo Jo inside the other fire truck.

So I was able to get my hair fixed this Sat. with my friend's hairdresser. As soon as I sat in the chair, she said it looked awful. Gee thanks. She said we would have to cut it right under my ears to fix it, but that's okay because that's how short I wanted it before, but didn't want the other girl to chance it. So here's a picture with Spence at the fire station. I really like it and so do my husband and boys so that's all that matters.

Jo Jo is jabbering away all day now. He has full on conversations with me. Too bad I don't understand.
Some of his new words-
-nat nats=fruit snacks
-1,2 (these he started saying this morning while he was pointing to different things on my socks)
-os eyes=french fries (this one he said today when we were in line for McD's at the mall while pointing to the french fry machine)
-owie (he kept repeating this the other day without hurting himself at all)
He learned this last one from all the times we have said it to him when he's doing something that will get him hurt-like trying to dive head first over the back of the couch where he would land on the tile.

Our last football game is this coming Sat. Bubba is a little bummed, but has decided he for sure wants to play again next year. He got to play wide receiver last game, but missed his catch due to quarterback error. But he didn't get down on himself, which is a first.

Well, time to make dinner (I know it's late, but Bubba doesn't get done with practice until 7pm, so we wait for him). And get Mr. Helping Hands off my lap:}

Friday, October 9, 2009

Cute Boys

This outfit just looked too cute on him with the stripes and Chuck Taylors. The shirt was on clearance at Target for $2.80. I couldn't pass that up.

Last Friday, our awesome friend threw her annual Fall party. This year at the park since there are too many kids for her backyard anymore. She always has hot dogs and nachos, apple cider and hot cocoa. After lunch we decorate cookies, and then play pin the nose on the pumpkin. Peanut didn't participate in anything, insisting instead on playing on the playground all afternoon. Then when we were leaving he started crying that he didn't get a cookie. Luckily, I had one left.

This is the 2nd time that Jo Jo has gotten into my lipsticks. I have a stool that I use to sit at a make-up counter built into our bathroom counter. My make-up is all in a plastic 3 drawer thingy. Unfortunately, he has figured out that he can slide the stool out and stand on it to reach everything. He's gotten into vaseline, licked deodorant, unscrewed mascara, and his personal favorite, digging his finger into my lipstick on wiping it on his cheek. Needless to say, it's not round at the tip anymore.

At the Fall party with our buddy Conner that we've known since he was born. He's right in between the boys in age. They used to live in our old neighborhood and moved about 4 years ago to Utah. We miss them and love when they come up to visit. The big boys enjoyed throwing the football with Conner's dad at the party. Oh, JP was one of the winners of pin the nose on the pumpkin. He was pretty proud of himself.

I got my hair cut and colored yesterday at the beauty school with the girl my sister goes to (who happens to be a friend of hers). NEVER again! The color turned out pretty, but there is still dye on my forehead. She washed me hair, then dried it, then colored it, then washed it again. Then she decided to talk me out of cutting it shorter because she thought it would be just as high maintenance as my long hair because I would still have to straighten it. The point I was trying to make was that it takes me 20 min. to dry my hair because it's so thick. I just don't have that kind of time everyday, not to mention the time to straighten it. It would take like 5 minutes if it was short, even if I have to straighten it. Anyway, she kept telling me whatever I wanted to do, though. Well, I wasn't about to have her cut it short if she didn't feel confident (which it sounded like she didn't), so I opted for her to fix my layers and trim it. Well, she more than trimmed it, made my shortest layer way too short, and made it look really choppy. It's AWFUL! I came home so depressed. I wore a hat to football. Not to mention the fact that she took 4 HOURS! Hello, I don't have any where near that kind of time. My poor neighbor had my kids for like 4 1/2 hours. I felt sooo bad. I'm baking her a pumpkin shaped cake right now to say thanks. Hopefully, sugar will make up for it. So now, I have to try to find someone who knows what they're doing to cut it short to get rid of all the choppy layers. I'm sure it will cost me another $20 or so. Great! Yesterday totally sucked! At least Jim and Pam finally got married!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Still Undefeated

That's right, Bubba's team is still undefeated. We played a team that had only lost one game, so it just shows that we rock. That's 5-0 now. We're a little bummed, though, because we found out that they don't do tournaments until next year. I think he's decided to play again next year, but we'll see once next year rolls around.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Blah, Nothing Exciting

Not much news or anything exciting lately, so nothing to blog about. We had another win at our football game last Sat. That makes 4-0. Here are a couple of picts. of Bubba. I think I mentioned before that he's #76. In the huddle photo, he's the one with the long sleeve blue under armor. It was at 8:30 in the morning and quite chilly, though the day turned out really nice. He's playing both offense and defense now and having a great time, which is the most important thing in my book.
The two older boys have been home this week for Fall break, which is really annoying since they just barely started school. So they've been pretty bored. Yesterday and today got really cool. I think fall might actually be here. Hooray! I love seasons. I love going to the pumpkin patch to pick our pumpkins.
Peanut had a field trip to the fire station yesterday, which meant I had 4 kids at the fire station, which at first JP thought was a baby thing and didn't want to go, but he got over it. They have one of the firemen put all of gear on, including mask and breathing apparatus, so the kids won't be scared if they're ever in a fire and see one of them. Peanut had fun. The video they showed was from around 1988 or so. We used to have a commercial in CA with the beginning part and annoying song on it.
Peanut told me two funny things today. I hope you don't get grossed out by the 2nd, but if you have kids, I'm sure you're used to things like that. Anyway, first we had to go to Sam's club and he didn't want to, and was complaining that we would be there for "900"-not minutes or hours or days, but just the number 900. Later, I was helping him wipe his bum after going potty, and he told me that his poop looked like a tail. It's also looked like a snake before and I can't remember what else he's told me in the past. It cracks me up that he looks at it to see what it might resemble.
Jo Jo is talking more everyday. He said a mouthful last night of things we didn't understand and in the middle of it he said "o'er dere." Then he did the same about Peanut's fish night lite inserting "fish" plain as day in the middle of it. Pretty cute.
As for me, I started writing a story a week or so ago. I would love if it turned into a book, but I don't know if I'll have that much to say. I've only worked on it a couple of times and just started chapter 3. Maybe I'll post my first chapter and you can tell me if you'd read it. I don't know, though, about opening myself up like that. B says it's good, but he's my husband so he doesn't count. Anyway, that's it for now. I'll keep you posted on game 5 this Sat. It would be super awesome if the boys ended up undefeated, but we still have some good teams to play against.