Monday, February 2, 2009


Okay, so I forgot to mention that I'm changing my signature name. It's one I got from a missionary who looked like Peter Pan. I started calling him Peter and he called me Tink. I thought it was fitting since I love all things Tinkerbell. One other nickname I've had in case I ever use it is Nerd-another one from the cousins. They were Airhead and Retard. Oh, and I forgot about Jose, my cousin was Juan Felupe. We had a lot of fun living together in college.
Nicknames are funny. They seem to stick and most of the time evolve. Bubba was also known as Professor Grumpy Pants, and then just Professor when he was a baby. JP has been chubba and Sweet Pea. Peanut has always just been Peanut. Cart-man was Little Bear and then became Jo Jo and also goes by Car Car a lot. Daddio is also known as Butch as given to him by his oldest sister.
I like nicknames.

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