Thursday, November 6, 2008

Really Cool

Wanna know what's really cool? When you're having a nap on the couch with your baby and your 3 year old is just quietly sitting there watching cartoons and then he pees on the couch and your entire body absorbs all his pee. At least I didn't have a huge mess to clean up, but I did have to wake the baby and get in the shower and then make my screaming 3 year old take a shower. Just another awesome day at our house! Now the two older ones are upstairs punching each other because they're supposed to be cleaning their room and it's more fun to argue about who is doing more work.


Pooka said...

Thanks for the laugh though I'm sure it wasn't funny when it happened. Don't you just love boys?!

Jared and Delia said...

I laughed so loud! I am so sorry. Maybe I thought it was so funny because I can kind of relate with the peeing thing anyway.

Joy said...

Funny! Love the new blog design and pics!