Monday, March 7, 2011

Happy Birthday Peanut!!

New Lego Ninja guy

New Mighty Beanz car

Peanut turned 6 on the 1st of March! I can't believe he's already so big. We had a few friends over for cake and ice cream after dinner. He chose Carl's Jr. for his birthday dinner. He's really into these new Lego Ninja guys. He's collected all but one color now I think. JP whispered in my ear that morning before school that he wanted me to get Peanut some Skittles for his birthday when I went to the store that day. What a sweet brother. It's nice when they like each other. He had a great birthday.

Now for the traditional words that make me think of Peanut-
Mellow, creative, builder, organizer, Legos, dress-up, Build-a-Bear, smiley, cutest giggle, sweet big brother, chicken nuggets, fruit snacks and granola bars, Captain Slowpoke, crazy eyebrows, dimple smile, fun, puzzle master, pokey hair Mighty Beanz, and reader.

Oh how I love my sweet little Peanut. You will always be my Peanut even when you're grown and gone. He's decided to put a hold on piano for now and take swimming lessons and baseball for now. I just can't get him to practice (even though when he plays he loves it). I can't believe this little boy is so grown up. What a wonderful son he is to have.

1 comment:

Delia said...

Happy Birthday sweet Peanut!