So it WAS Peanut lining up his animals. He's my organizer, I guess you would say. I think I've said OCD enough times for you to get the idea. He gets this from me, poor kid. Everything has to be just so. I used to freak out if anyone loaded the dishwasher wrong. My sister still comes over sometimes and helps and makes sure to do it the way I "taught" her. Anyway, I got to the point finally where I was like "whatever it's getting done by NOT me, so it doesn't matter." It's hard when you first start having your kids help around the house and they don't do things the "right" way, but I'm getting better because I REALLY appreciate them helping at all.
Bubba is being a bumhead right now. He and dad are watching the Yankees-Red Sox game. He and dad are Yankees fans and JP and I are Red Sox fans. He keeps pointing out things about our team that are bad. He knows how to get under my skin.
Jo Jo is doing well with nursery. Last week they said as long as they kept an animal cookie in his hand he was fine. This week they said he's done the best yet. Yay for baby!
Yesterday we went shooting again. We all really like to shoot stuff. This time I remembered to bring both the video and digital camera. We got a couple of Jo Jo holding an arrow and the bow. A few of the boys shooting the BB guns. JP got to try out his new one that he got on his birthday. Dad and I shot the shotgun. We wanted to do the handgun too, but by that time, Jo Jo was needing a nap and very crabby. Peanut also can now officially shoot the bow all by himself! We were excited for him and he was very proud of himself. So here's a picture of him too. Then of course the pictures of mom and dad with the shotgun. I definitely needed one of me to show the grandkids so someday they'll know I was cool once upon a time.
Last night we fed the missionaries. They are both from CA-one from San Diego and one from Mission Viejo. I mentioned that I have some 2nd cousins who live in Mission Viejo and their last name and it turns out he went to high school with the youngest of my cousins. He also has several friends who go to the high school I went to. Small world isn't it? It's funny because a lot of non-members when they find out you're mormon will say, "Oh I know someone who's mormon that lives in Kansas, do you know so and so?" And we wonder why they think we all know each other, and then something like this happens and you just have to laugh. We've fed them several times now because I keep hoping that my brothers are being fed on their missions.
THat is really cool that you will shoot a gun. I am a wimp when it comes to that. Peanut is so brave with his bow and arrow!
The world gets smaller when you are member of the church. I agree.
What a fun outing! You guys are so awesome. I love that you make an effort to do activities together often. It's such a good example and motivator for me!
awesome pose with the gun- what a fun family outing!
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