Thursday, September 11, 2008


So we just got home from pack meeting and we watched some video clips from 9/11. They talked about freedom tonight. Still, 7 years later, it makes me a little veclempt to watch that footage. I remember where we were and all the emotions. Bubba had questions when we got home about it. I had to explain about terrorists to him. He didn't get why we were all freaked out when it was on the other side of the U.S. I had to explain how it affected the whole nation.

So in other news, JP has serious hearing issues. I'll say something and he'll repeat the most random thing back to me that he thought I said. For example, today I told him, "Think about what you want to eat." Because it was mix and match dinner night. So without skipping a beat he says, "No, I don't have to do P.E." What?!? He passed the hearing test for getting into Kindergarten last year, but I swear he's partially deaf in at least one ear. Maybe he just can't hear certain frequencies like Daddio. Although, B is deaf in his right ear for the most part from all his hunting growing up. He repeats random things to me sometimes to, but not as bad as JP.

I figured I should include some photos even though they have nothing to do with this post. There is a cute one of Cart-man in his spinny saucer thingy. One of Bubba with a wok on his head because today was his day to do dishes and we had stir-fry the other night. He said it looked like on the Indiana Jones movie #2 when they wear those hats. The other picture is a little blurry, but it's of JP with chocolate on his cheek. I don't remember why he was mad at me in the picture, but he had no idea he had food on his face. He seriously has dirt or food permanently on one cheek. It's been that way since he was 2. In all the recent camping pictures of him, he has dirt stuck to the marshmallow on his face from when they made smores the very first night! I LOVE my dirty boys.

One more fun thing. Peanut is my boy all the way. We went to Staples yesterday and normally when he goes to the store with me and it's just him, Cart-man and I, he sits in the cart the whole time. But yesterday he insisted on getting out and ran through the store shouting, "Look at this" about everything. I have an obsession with office supplies for some reason. I think it's because I like to organize stuff. He totally organizes all his cars in rows when he plays in his room and has his things just so. I guess he likes office supplies too.


Jared and Delia said...

Cute pictures. I didn't know Brandon was partially deaf in one ear.

paige said...

i am with peanut all the way im a little organizational freak myself! that is so cute that he loves that store! cute family -we miss you guys!