When he saw this picture he said, "I was having popcorn!"
I haven't been very good about taking pictures of the kids lately, but here are the couple that I have. We got lots of good video of Bubba's game yesterday, but only a couple of pictures and three of the four were on the same play. His team toasted the other guys 46-0. We've had lots of other coaches there watching our games writing our plays down and yesterday there were supposed to be 10 officials and 15 or so other coaches. I think it's ridiculous. They're ten years old for Pete's sake. Yes, we totally rock, but really? Bubba has been an animal this year. He did great at their scrimmage this past week. He made his catch and had some great tackles. He missed his catch in the game yesterday, but the quarterback under threw it-again, they're 10. He made some great tackles, though and gets to be on offense and the kicking team. The pictures above are from the kickoff team. He's the one next to the kicker who gets to put his arms up and then yell, "Ready!" He has the cutest little man voice when he yells it. I love watching him! We had a conflict yesterday so B took JP to his game (which was not at our usual field) while I finished watching Bubba and then took him to his best friend's birthday party where they played video games out of a truck! It was one of those lunch truck looking things. They also played laser tag in the backyard.
Thanks Uncle AJ and Aunt Alicia for taking the boys Fri. night. We went to a movie while they had the boys at their apartment and then we picked up Jo Jo while the other boys spent the night. They even got up early to take them to the football field! Thanks again, you guys are the best! We love you!