Saturday, August 29, 2009
Today was Bubba's first football game. It was their Jamboree. All the teams got to play a quick scrimmage game on the Smurf Turf (that's what they call our college turf since it's blue). It was so exciting and fun for him. Our defense (which includes Bubba as Right Guard) did awesome and totally kept the other team from scoring or really even moving from the line of scrimmage. Then our offense went out and moved nicely down the field. We scored and the game was over. Too bad it doesn't count. One of the kids on his team got so excited and nervous that he threw up a little in the bushes before the game. He actually thought it was pretty cool.
Jo Jo can do somersaults now. He's also started saying "by" for bike and "dar" for car. He came walking in the kitchen the other day with Bubba's flip flops on his feet. He even had them on correctly between the right toes.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
"Fair" Thee Well (I couldn't help myself)
Okay first off, professional bloggers (Delia) why are my side photos so small except for the one of Peanut? I want to get them big enough for everyone to actually be able to see.
It was so hot and I forgot to bring a pony tail holder so I walked around like this for awhile.
This was the most hysterical thing to me. He seriously decided without even seeing a booth for these that he wanted one of those giant turkey legs for lunch. He did some damage on it too.
Bubba took this picture while we were eating lunch on the grass.
Feeding the sheep. I had to hold his hand flat, but he didn't even get scared.
Every year they have a big agricultural tent where the kids (and parents) can learn all kinds of stuff about our state's farms and what we grow here. They also have samples of mint water (eew) and kiddie pools full of different beans with tractors in them for the kids to play in. They have a question thing that the kids can go around reading signs to learn about animals/farms and if they turn it in, they get a puzzle of our state. This year they also had a bigger sized version in wood of the puzzle and if the kids put it together they got a bracelet. Peanut literally put it together in less than one minute. I sat there watching his mind work, it was awesome.
We had a lot of fun at the fair. We bought our tickets online and saved quite a bit of money. We had fun on the rides-except for one. Bubba and Butch went on one called "The Hammer." It has two baskets on each side. It swings like a pendulum and then eventually goes all the way around. Bubba had a look of terror on his face as they started getting higher. He was freaked because his harness wasn't tight enough and he thought he would slide out of his seat. I was just praying he wouldn't barf. At the end of the ride a guy on the opposite side did. His girlfriend was so understanding about it. Jo Jo usually loves animals, but for some reason when we went into the large animal barn (where they're not enclosed in a fence) he kept saying, "uh uh." It was pretty funny. He did enjoy the petting zoo, however, and even fed some of the animals. I like the expo center because it has a/c. I noticed this year that they have entries for scrapbook pages as well as cookies and other pastries. I'm totally gonna enter next year.
We caught him climbing in his toys the other night. I can't even tell you how many pictures we have of Bubba like this.
Lastly, this is what happens when you have curly hair and you wake up in the morning after rolling around in bed while you sleep.
It was so hot and I forgot to bring a pony tail holder so I walked around like this for awhile.
This was the most hysterical thing to me. He seriously decided without even seeing a booth for these that he wanted one of those giant turkey legs for lunch. He did some damage on it too.
Bubba took this picture while we were eating lunch on the grass.
Feeding the sheep. I had to hold his hand flat, but he didn't even get scared.
Every year they have a big agricultural tent where the kids (and parents) can learn all kinds of stuff about our state's farms and what we grow here. They also have samples of mint water (eew) and kiddie pools full of different beans with tractors in them for the kids to play in. They have a question thing that the kids can go around reading signs to learn about animals/farms and if they turn it in, they get a puzzle of our state. This year they also had a bigger sized version in wood of the puzzle and if the kids put it together they got a bracelet. Peanut literally put it together in less than one minute. I sat there watching his mind work, it was awesome.
We had a lot of fun at the fair. We bought our tickets online and saved quite a bit of money. We had fun on the rides-except for one. Bubba and Butch went on one called "The Hammer." It has two baskets on each side. It swings like a pendulum and then eventually goes all the way around. Bubba had a look of terror on his face as they started getting higher. He was freaked because his harness wasn't tight enough and he thought he would slide out of his seat. I was just praying he wouldn't barf. At the end of the ride a guy on the opposite side did. His girlfriend was so understanding about it. Jo Jo usually loves animals, but for some reason when we went into the large animal barn (where they're not enclosed in a fence) he kept saying, "uh uh." It was pretty funny. He did enjoy the petting zoo, however, and even fed some of the animals. I like the expo center because it has a/c. I noticed this year that they have entries for scrapbook pages as well as cookies and other pastries. I'm totally gonna enter next year.
We caught him climbing in his toys the other night. I can't even tell you how many pictures we have of Bubba like this.
Lastly, this is what happens when you have curly hair and you wake up in the morning after rolling around in bed while you sleep.
Friday, August 21, 2009
"Foosball is da Devil" (not really, but I love that quote)
We were outside tonight after picking Bubba up from practice and Jo Jo hopped on the trike. He pushes himself with his feet because he hasn't figured out the pedals yet.
My cute cute boy! I absolutely LOVE these photos. I took them tonight after he had a great practice. He was covered in sweat from head to toe. It was really disgusting. Even he thought so. Last night was a rough practice. His helmet was giving him a headache, he drank way too much water-causing his stomach to hurt, and he was way overheated. We thought he just needed to dig in and cowboy up, but on the way home he complained of being cold. It was 102 out. Then he got in the house and said it was really hot, so we're pretty sure he got a little heat stroke. Today was only 96 and I gave him instructions only to take small, frequent sips of water. I also gave him Motrin for his head before hand. So he had a great practice tonight. He actually told me it was the best day. I just think these little guys are too cute with all of their pads on. I watched him for a few minutes when I came to pick him up and it's amazing how good some of the kids who've played flag football for 2 years are. I can't wait to see an actual game.
Just to Prove I Was There
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
We'll be Comin' Around the Mountain When We Come...
We had a ward campout last weekend. The weather decided to change for the day so when we got there in the evening it was already seriously cold. Luckily we had come prepared. We had a comforter to put over our sleeping bags and then each of the big boys had those mummy bags that work to like -15 degrees. We had a bag all set up for Jo Jo, but put him to bed with us and kept him there because it got down to 30 degrees! It felt like we were camping in March. I slept with B's big sweatshirt on over my long sleeved shirt, pj pants, and socks. I'm usually a hot sleeper, but not so much that night. Most of the night we had our blanket up over our heads and I even had the hood on a few times. I have to pee a lot at night (sorry for too much info.) and so I kept waking up and having to go behind a tree. Yeah, they told us there was an outhouse there-not kidding at all, it was at least a quarter of a mile to half mile up the road. Most people drove up there, but I never went in it once. Anyway, then there were the coyotes. Twice this huge pack decided to start howling and barking for a few minutes each time. They sounded really close. Then there was also the little boy next to our tent who talks in his sleep and woke up once crying. His mom was like, "Oh you could hear him?" Um, yeah, tents are like sleeping in paper and you're right next to us and we're in the mountains which seems to make everything louder. Needless to say, I got about 3 hours of negative sleep. B said that's why you have to camp for more than one night because the 2nd night you're so tired from no sleep the first night that you pass out. I liked all the rest of the camping part, though.
Sat. morning we were up early due to the fact that Bubba was making noise putting his winter jacket on to wear in his sleeping bag. The other 2 went to sleep with long sleeves and their sweatshirts, but Bubba just wore his short sleeved pj shirt. Plus, I'm a vampire and as soon as day breaks I'm awake unless I have dark curtains and my mask on. After breakfast they had a tug of war-actually several-between different groups-like women vs. men, kids vs. moms, etc. We did a bunch actually. The kids won most of them. It was pretty cute. Then they did a scavenger hunt for the kids. They had to find a rock, bug, leaf, etc. Then they had a fire starting contest for the older kids. The big boys group won 2nd. It had to burn high enough to burn through the fishing line. Then they did a lot of BB gun shooting. It was supposed to be a contest, but everyone was just shooting at once. Most people packed up after that. We were the 3rd to last to leave since we weren't in any hurry.
Next, we drove about an hour back towards home to a beautiful hiking trail the boys had gone on last year I think it was. There was a beautiful waterfall that Peanut kept calling "Spwash Mountain." Jo Jo did really well and only had to be carried a couple of times. There were hundreds, possibly thousands, of little tiny frogs all along the trail. We probably caught at least 20 or so. We would each get one and then a bigger one and let the first go, or one would escape and we'd get another. They were like ants. We were really trying not to step on any. Peanut really thought he was bringing his home.
Then, we went fishing at a lake they had gone to last year. It was around the other side of the mountain from where we had hiked. It was hot by then, but then we sat in the shade and it would get breezy. The boys, especially JP, were so depressed that they didn't catch anything. Maybe next time. We drove home around 7pm because they really didn't want to leave until they caught something. But we hadn't eaten anything but jerky, chips and peanuts for lunch, not to mention all the soda, so we needed real food in a bad way. We stopped at a little place on the highway that leads home from where my brother-in-law grew up. It's a teeny tiny town and I thought it would be really funny if we saw his parents. Well, who should walk in but his dad picking up take-out. We got home late, but everyone was covered in sand from the little beach where we camped, so I made them shower first. It was a night of wonderful sleep after a crappy night in a tent freezing. All in all, a very fun first camping time for Jo Jo.
Bubba started football practice this week. He wore his helmet last night and tonight and came home sweaty. Tomorrow night it's supposed to be 101. Poor guy. They're 2 hour practices too. And their helmets are seriously impossible to get on or off, but especially off. I heard one mom say to her son that he might be wearing his for the rest of his life so to get used to it. They'll start with full pads tomorrow night. Their first game will be on the 29th. The fair is here so we're going this Sat. since he has games every Sat. after that. I'll post fun fair pictures afterwards.
My crazy insane husband not holding on while balancing on a ginormous rock next to "Spwash Mountain"
Hiking on the nature trail
JP at the campground
Bubba the ham on the nature trail
Not a very good picture of one of our frogs
Sitting in dad's truck while packing to leave camp
He doesn't like getting stuff on his hands, however, he does like sticks
My very favorite picture of the nature trail
Crashed on the way home
This one was from the day before we left. He loves cookies n' cream pop tarts and knows he's not supposed to eat them in the living room, so he goes in and lays on the couch and does it anyway. He's lucky he's so cute.
Sat. morning we were up early due to the fact that Bubba was making noise putting his winter jacket on to wear in his sleeping bag. The other 2 went to sleep with long sleeves and their sweatshirts, but Bubba just wore his short sleeved pj shirt. Plus, I'm a vampire and as soon as day breaks I'm awake unless I have dark curtains and my mask on. After breakfast they had a tug of war-actually several-between different groups-like women vs. men, kids vs. moms, etc. We did a bunch actually. The kids won most of them. It was pretty cute. Then they did a scavenger hunt for the kids. They had to find a rock, bug, leaf, etc. Then they had a fire starting contest for the older kids. The big boys group won 2nd. It had to burn high enough to burn through the fishing line. Then they did a lot of BB gun shooting. It was supposed to be a contest, but everyone was just shooting at once. Most people packed up after that. We were the 3rd to last to leave since we weren't in any hurry.
Next, we drove about an hour back towards home to a beautiful hiking trail the boys had gone on last year I think it was. There was a beautiful waterfall that Peanut kept calling "Spwash Mountain." Jo Jo did really well and only had to be carried a couple of times. There were hundreds, possibly thousands, of little tiny frogs all along the trail. We probably caught at least 20 or so. We would each get one and then a bigger one and let the first go, or one would escape and we'd get another. They were like ants. We were really trying not to step on any. Peanut really thought he was bringing his home.
Then, we went fishing at a lake they had gone to last year. It was around the other side of the mountain from where we had hiked. It was hot by then, but then we sat in the shade and it would get breezy. The boys, especially JP, were so depressed that they didn't catch anything. Maybe next time. We drove home around 7pm because they really didn't want to leave until they caught something. But we hadn't eaten anything but jerky, chips and peanuts for lunch, not to mention all the soda, so we needed real food in a bad way. We stopped at a little place on the highway that leads home from where my brother-in-law grew up. It's a teeny tiny town and I thought it would be really funny if we saw his parents. Well, who should walk in but his dad picking up take-out. We got home late, but everyone was covered in sand from the little beach where we camped, so I made them shower first. It was a night of wonderful sleep after a crappy night in a tent freezing. All in all, a very fun first camping time for Jo Jo.
Bubba started football practice this week. He wore his helmet last night and tonight and came home sweaty. Tomorrow night it's supposed to be 101. Poor guy. They're 2 hour practices too. And their helmets are seriously impossible to get on or off, but especially off. I heard one mom say to her son that he might be wearing his for the rest of his life so to get used to it. They'll start with full pads tomorrow night. Their first game will be on the 29th. The fair is here so we're going this Sat. since he has games every Sat. after that. I'll post fun fair pictures afterwards.
My crazy insane husband not holding on while balancing on a ginormous rock next to "Spwash Mountain"
Hiking on the nature trail
JP at the campground
Bubba the ham on the nature trail
Not a very good picture of one of our frogs
Sitting in dad's truck while packing to leave camp
He doesn't like getting stuff on his hands, however, he does like sticks
My very favorite picture of the nature trail
Crashed on the way home
This one was from the day before we left. He loves cookies n' cream pop tarts and knows he's not supposed to eat them in the living room, so he goes in and lays on the couch and does it anyway. He's lucky he's so cute.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Really? Are You Serious?
Sunday, August 9, 2009
I Like to Shoot Stuff
So it WAS Peanut lining up his animals. He's my organizer, I guess you would say. I think I've said OCD enough times for you to get the idea. He gets this from me, poor kid. Everything has to be just so. I used to freak out if anyone loaded the dishwasher wrong. My sister still comes over sometimes and helps and makes sure to do it the way I "taught" her. Anyway, I got to the point finally where I was like "whatever it's getting done by NOT me, so it doesn't matter." It's hard when you first start having your kids help around the house and they don't do things the "right" way, but I'm getting better because I REALLY appreciate them helping at all.
Bubba is being a bumhead right now. He and dad are watching the Yankees-Red Sox game. He and dad are Yankees fans and JP and I are Red Sox fans. He keeps pointing out things about our team that are bad. He knows how to get under my skin.
Jo Jo is doing well with nursery. Last week they said as long as they kept an animal cookie in his hand he was fine. This week they said he's done the best yet. Yay for baby!
Yesterday we went shooting again. We all really like to shoot stuff. This time I remembered to bring both the video and digital camera. We got a couple of Jo Jo holding an arrow and the bow. A few of the boys shooting the BB guns. JP got to try out his new one that he got on his birthday. Dad and I shot the shotgun. We wanted to do the handgun too, but by that time, Jo Jo was needing a nap and very crabby. Peanut also can now officially shoot the bow all by himself! We were excited for him and he was very proud of himself. So here's a picture of him too. Then of course the pictures of mom and dad with the shotgun. I definitely needed one of me to show the grandkids so someday they'll know I was cool once upon a time.
Last night we fed the missionaries. They are both from CA-one from San Diego and one from Mission Viejo. I mentioned that I have some 2nd cousins who live in Mission Viejo and their last name and it turns out he went to high school with the youngest of my cousins. He also has several friends who go to the high school I went to. Small world isn't it? It's funny because a lot of non-members when they find out you're mormon will say, "Oh I know someone who's mormon that lives in Kansas, do you know so and so?" And we wonder why they think we all know each other, and then something like this happens and you just have to laugh. We've fed them several times now because I keep hoping that my brothers are being fed on their missions.
Bubba is being a bumhead right now. He and dad are watching the Yankees-Red Sox game. He and dad are Yankees fans and JP and I are Red Sox fans. He keeps pointing out things about our team that are bad. He knows how to get under my skin.
Jo Jo is doing well with nursery. Last week they said as long as they kept an animal cookie in his hand he was fine. This week they said he's done the best yet. Yay for baby!
Yesterday we went shooting again. We all really like to shoot stuff. This time I remembered to bring both the video and digital camera. We got a couple of Jo Jo holding an arrow and the bow. A few of the boys shooting the BB guns. JP got to try out his new one that he got on his birthday. Dad and I shot the shotgun. We wanted to do the handgun too, but by that time, Jo Jo was needing a nap and very crabby. Peanut also can now officially shoot the bow all by himself! We were excited for him and he was very proud of himself. So here's a picture of him too. Then of course the pictures of mom and dad with the shotgun. I definitely needed one of me to show the grandkids so someday they'll know I was cool once upon a time.
Last night we fed the missionaries. They are both from CA-one from San Diego and one from Mission Viejo. I mentioned that I have some 2nd cousins who live in Mission Viejo and their last name and it turns out he went to high school with the youngest of my cousins. He also has several friends who go to the high school I went to. Small world isn't it? It's funny because a lot of non-members when they find out you're mormon will say, "Oh I know someone who's mormon that lives in Kansas, do you know so and so?" And we wonder why they think we all know each other, and then something like this happens and you just have to laugh. We've fed them several times now because I keep hoping that my brothers are being fed on their missions.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
We watched "Mary Poppins" with the kids the other night. They'd never seen it before, and I remember loving it as a kid. They really like musicals, so I thought it would be fun. We're not allowed to eat on our carpet (a lesson we learned after destroying the carpet in our old house), but B made a big bowl of popcorn and we put out a blanket and had it on the carpet as a special treat. By the way, they demolished the popcorn in about 5 minutes. They liked the movie-especially the laughing on the ceiling part.
I've been waking up with back pain, neck pain, and migraines all week. It's really special. Especially when you take two different kinds of drugs during the day and it doesn't go away. I couldn't even move the other day. Yesterday, I couldn't turn my head at all. I guess I'll just have to go get a massage (oh darn). I think they have like a 1 hr. one here for like $30, so I figure it will be money well spent.
I'm definitely looking forward to school starting again. The fighting is getting old. The 2 older boys go at it daily. After Bubba got out of the shower last night, I noticed a bruise on his chest on one side and scratch marks on the other side. JP always plays the victim, but usually he's the one to either start it, or do the most damage. I need to start interviewing them separately about the crime like they do on tv when a crime happens. Maybe I'll get the story straight if they're not standing there contradicting each other.
We've been having a thunderstorm since the middle of the night. It's totally awesome. I love summer storms. It's so nice and cool out and the sound of the thunder is cool too. It's a nice break from the Arizona weather we've been having the last few weeks. I've only left the house a few times during the day. It's too hot to go anywhere. Walking to the pool the other day I thought we would all melt. I remember why I never want to move back to AZ. Ack!
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