Two nights ago, while tucking everyone in one at a time, my almost 12 year old called me "Mommy" and asked me if I would come lay with him. I was so thrilled to hear him call me that and ask me to hang out with him. So I made him move over and I laid down with him while we talked for at least 15-20 minutes about his baseball team and life. It was so awesome. I love those moments and cherish them because they don't come often with him. The other three boys are always coming up to me and rubbing my arm or asking for kisses or hugs-especially JP. Coco climbs on me anytime I sit down, which can sometimes be too much, but I just make him sit up next to me and we snuggle.
It's been raining a lot here. Which means baseball practices have been few at this point. Peanut is sad that he hasn't had one yet because his last minute coach is on vacation for Spring Break. The three oldest boys all had playdates for the first day of break today. Poor Coco has to wait all day to see them during school, and then they disappear the first chance they get. Nothing planned for the rest of break besides baseball. My mom will be here Friday evening sometime for a few days, so we're looking forward to that.
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