I legit expect to be sainted when I die just for having to deal with boy scouting. This morning, I got a call and email reminder that Bubba has his Eagle board of review tonight and to make sure we have everything. I remembered that he still had to write his little paragraph on what he wants to be when he grows up, but he could do that right after school. What I did forget however, were the letters of recommendation needed. Why is this even a requirement? Anyway, I start panicking on who we can get to bust out some letters really quick and Butch is all annoyed because clearly our kid doesn't care enough about this to have already done it. So I text him at school and tell him to contact a couple of people. I'm impressed that he actually did it. I gave him a couple of ideas of who to ask, but he actually contacted them, and by like 2:30 pm he already had two and another one on the way. He gets home from school and starts getting his uniform together and we realize he has to wear Dad's shirt because his is-no joke- a youth large. We have to try to find the right colored epaulettes for the shoulder thingys and remove the Cubmaster patch (which is stuck on with badge magic so we're talking a serious amount of Goo Gone and scrubbing). One of the troop number patches is the wrong number, but they said that would be okay. So now it's in the wash to hopefully get the Goo Gone residue off. I also had to add like seven badges to his sash.
I also washed and vacuumed the Jeep, got gas, went to the library and store, paid bills, talked to Dish Network on a 3-way call with B, ordered tickets for the temple open house, printed off homework and started reading my cousin's novel as a beta reader. The list of things I need to do is endless-trip laundry, unpacking, vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms, returns to 3 different stores, get a new windshield for the van, get the van detailed to sale, clean the kitchen... etc.
Those things will not get done today. Things I am for sure not doing today-make dinner.
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