Wednesday, January 29, 2014

My Bubba Boy

This cute, teenage boy is my buddy. We discovered a new TV show, Intelligence that we both like. So, I record it on Monday nights and he and I watch it together after school on Tuesday before his brothers get home from school. It's fun to have one-on-one time with him. Yesterday, we were watching it after school and I told him I would give him some of my Milk Duds if he got them out of the pantry for me, so he did. Awhile later, I mentioned that I should get up and make myself a quesadilla at next commercial break since I hadn't eaten lunch. He said, "I'll make you one." What? My child who is too lazy to even make himself a sandwich for his school lunches most days just offered to make me lunch? I said, "Are you sure? You don't have to make me one. I can do it." Bubba, "No, it's okay. I was gonna ask you to give me another Milk Dud, but I decided just to do it because I love you." I love these moments!! I lock them away in my memory and my heart for those other days when he has teenage angst. I love that my boys still snuggle on the couch with me to watch TV. Or when they randomly say, "I love you, Mom." I love you too guys!

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