Back and front of Peanut's house
Peanut's yellow car. It reminds me of the "Back to the Future" Delorean.
JP's trucks
So this week all we've been doing is Legos and more Legos! I have literally put something together everyday this week. I surprised JP first with the red truck. He was trying to put together a different one with the same kit the night before, but asked me for help and it was too late to fix it so we bagged it and said we'd work on the other one the next day. Sooo while he was at school I made it for him. I realize you're probably thinking I'm really weird, especially because it literally took me 3 total hours. But I was so thrilled with how excited he was when he came home from school to see it on the table. The next day before Peanut had school, he was trying to build this yellow car. He was so frustrated because it kept breaking. (I think sometimes they don't make sure the pieces are snapped together firmly enough). So I told him we'd work on it after school. Well, again I thought it would be fun to surprise him, sooo I made it for him. It didn't take as long thank goodness. The thing that takes the longest is finding all the right pieces. I have them all separated into colors, but there are still so many! I decided that if and when they brake up the cars, then we're keeping everything from the kit in it's own bag! Last night JP and I built his Indiana Jones truck. Luckily it went really quickly-not as many pieces. Peanut got a giant house kit for Christmas 2009 and I had built one of the models, but there are 3 different ones, so last night Peanut decided that he wanted to make a different house (much to my dismay after putting in several days of working on it). So he started and had like two steps done and decided to work on it later. I helped do a few steps, but we quit for the time being. Then today we worked on it more and while he was at school I finished it. He said he didn't need the roof since he'll play with his guys inside, but I have OCD and figured I'd make it anyway just in case. All of our Lego kits are ones that we've had for awhile, but of course things get broken over time and we have to remake them.
I've come to the realization that I have major Lego issues. I can't stand to use a substitute color if I can't find the right one, so instead I'll spend 20 min. looking for the right one! And I have to finish every last detail. My back is killing me from sitting on the floor with nothing to lean on all week. Before you think I'm a complete loser, I did actually do laundry and some sweeping and vaccuming. I decided however that my kids won't say to me one day, "Hey mom, remember how the house was really clean?" They'll say, "Hey remember that one week when we did Legos all week?" And that's the most important thing-playing with them and making them surprises.
You are such a nice mom! That house is awesome.
I love it! I think legos are soo cool! We've had some kits, but most of the directions have become incomplete so the kids just make up their own stuff. I love putting stuff like that together. What a great week!
It's crazy how much JP looks like Brandon in the picture with JP holding up the Lego trucks.
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