Yes, again with the organizing. The fruit snacks are in color order and lined up. My mom saw him doing it so I ran and got a picture before he ate any.
Peanut started t-ball Tues. night. He's so excited since he didn't get to play while brothers did. It's pretty cheesy since most of the kids have no idea what they're doing, but it's fun for him so that's all that matters. There are a lot of bigger kids though because it's like 5-7 yrs. or something like that, which is weird. The t-shirt he has is a 14-16 kids size! I'm not sure who they think is playing on these teams, but that's retarded.
Jo Jo has started saying "actually" lately. It's pretty dang funny. The other night he was in the backyard with my mom and she said, "Look an airplane," and he said, "Yeah airplane." Then he corrected himself and said, "Actually it's a helicopter." She was wondering if he could've actually been saying that, but then the next day he told me he wanted juice and then a second later said, "Actually I want chocolate milk." Can you tell he's always around older people? "Apparently" is one of my favorite words to use with the kids-as in "apparently you weren't listening." So Bubba uses that one a lot. It's funny how much they pick up by listening to us talk.
My mom and I saw "Eclipse" last night. Great movie. It was really exciting to watch since we'd just been up in that area. It was so fun to go with her. We've seen the other two together too. We got dessert afterwards and she was being silly so it was really fun. I'm so glad we got to have such a fun time together while she was visiting. After my husband she's my best friend. Good times.
That is so neat that you get to have that fun tradition to share with your mom.
Jo Jo is hilarious. I wish I could hear him say that in person.
I remember playing t-ball when I was about peanuts age. We also had no idea what to do, but we had a cool team name--"Diamond Dazzlers" (so girly!).
I'm glad you had a great time with your mom. It's really wonderful to have such a great relationship.
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