So Gramma and Dad-here you go. I don't post as often as you want me to because my life really isn't that exciting. Just the daily grind-changing wet sheets, washing them, making the bed again, folding some laundry, huge 2nd pile of Thanksgiving dishes, sweeping play-doh and food crumbs and dirt clods off the kitchen floor, and putting baby down for a nap. After I put him down, I did get sucked into a book, which was a nice little break. I always read something while I rock him to sleep, but after I layed him down today I decided to keep reading a little. I'm reading Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol." He's the one who wrote "Davinci Code," and "Angels and Demons." This is the 3rd book and it deals with the Freemasons. I'm not sure why I'm obsessed with Freemasons and Knights Templar. If I ever went back to school I would want to get another degree in History. European more than American. Maybe because I majored in English Lit. with a European emphasis.
FHE was a little crazy tonight. But isn't it always. We talked about tithing since it's tithing settlement time. I told about Heavenly Father telling Joseph Smith about paying tithing, what we pay it for and how it helps the church. Then we played a matching game with dollar bills with different pictures on them of the different ways it helps. We started off really well with Peanut not deciding what primary song he wanted because he wanted London Bridge and we said it had to be a primary song. We gave him several options of which he wanted none, so dad chose Do as I'm Doing and he screamed the entire time. We let him choose after that and he picked Ring Around the Rosy and since Jo Jo was dancing around we figured that would be okay. Then of course JP was pouting because Bubba always gets to read the scripture, but he was already on treat. And Peanut was mumbling something rather than listening. Then Jo Jo freaked because he wanted to sit on dad's lap and wanted JP out of it, so he decided to throw his head back into JP's head 3 times until he moved. I was finally able to start the lesson at that point. Welcome to my world...
So Thanksgiving was nice. I figured that even though we weren't leaving the house, I should at least get dressed since it was a holiday. I didn't wake up feeling well so big daddy let me sleep in. He's the most wonderful man on the planet. Then we had crackers and dip. The boys had more dip than crackers. They gross me out with the way they scoop a ton of dip on to one small cracker. We got the dinner started later rather than sooner. Oh well. B deep fried the turkey. It was about our 5th or 6th year and it's the best way to eat turkey. It seals in all the juices. Yum! I think I added too much milk to the mashed potatoes, but everyone else thought they were fine. I kind of started those on the stove a little late not taking into account how long it takes to boil the potatoes. I also forgot that after you cook the sweet potatoes (which ended up taking way longer than usual) you have to let them cool enough to peel them, but we didn't have time for that so I held them with a pot holder. Then you have to cook them a little more to melt the brown sugar and butter. We sat to dinner and B said the prayer and as soon as we said 'Amen,' I realized we had forgotten the stuffing. Luckily we just make it from the box and it only takes five minutes. Oh yeah, I made the jello and we had been planning on having dinner before the 4 hours of setting would be up, so I put it in the freezer in the garage. You kind of need to remember to take it out. It was frozen solid and refused to thaw enough to eat it with dinner, so the boys had it the next day. JP must be growing because he ate a ton of food and immediately afterwards was ready for pie. I make a chocolate pudding for he and I and Pumpkin (which I also eat) for B and I. After he finished that he asked for another piece. We said no, so B saw him go to the table and eat 3 more pieces of turkey. He's always been my best eater. He will pretty much eat anything. When he was a baby and ate jarred food, he would go thru 3 jars every meal! I had to bring a full tote with like 125 jars for a vacation one time. So anywho, dinner was nice. We just enjoyed the time hanging out together watching football, playing Wii and eating. We didn't venture out on Fri. until the evening. We needed Bubba to show us a few more Christmas ideas. I finished shopping on the Sat. after "New Moon" came out with my mom, but realized later that Bubba didn't really want one of the things I got him. We're going to Disneyland the week after Christmas this year, so we told them they each get one present. But I also bought them a game and then the big boys two book series'. The "Captain Underpants" and "Diary of Wimpy Kid" series. So Wed. I'll make the final shopping trip to Target to make returns and buy Bubba his gift. Oh, but I forgot about B. I have been pricing what he wants so I'm going to try Sam's Club before Target on that one.
This week-I have a doctor's appt. tomorrow afternoon to try and get my doctor to give me Ambien so I that maybe after 10 years or so, I could get some sleep. I have a problem falling asleep AND staying asleep. My friend says she takes it and it's wonderful and you don't feel groggy in the morning, which is what I hate about drugs like Tylenol PM. I'm just really annoyed that they never let me talk to the doctor. They always give me his nurse and she is totally lame and makes me come in. He used to be in our old ward and so it's totally lame because I go in, he asks what's wrong and then gives me a prescription and charges me $95 for it. I'm going to complain tomorrow. I'm supposed to volunteer in JP's class tomorrow, but the mom in charge just let me know tonight and my neighbor who usually takes them can't watch them so I'm hoping to switch for next week. Then I have RS. We're doing a fun get to know you activity that I suggested where you take 3-5 items that will fit in a paper lunch sack that would describe you and then we each take someone else's and have to guess who it is. I also have to make a dessert for it. Thurs. we have pack meeting, which I get the privilege of driving 20 min. away to buy the awards since my husband is Cubmaster. Peanut's primary teacher is having a Christmas party at her house during and after pre-school Fri. so I have to figure out if I'll just take him out early or make him an hour late to the party. Then there's a primary activity in the afternoon.
Fun Stuff- Jo Jo is a total chatterbox. I mean really really talking. One of his favorite things is "wateet milt" (chocolate milk). He says-open it, I play, candies (of course), calls the moon a ball and you are NOT allowed to call it the moon. We were looking at Christmas lights tonight and he kept saying-lights pretty. He absolutely loves football and is mesmerized any time it's on. He generally says-I play football. He has also started saying-night night when he's tired and/or bed and blankie. If he's sad or gets hurt he'll cry, "you" so you'll pick him up. I color, I do it are also favorites. He's so independent-like another little boy I know named Bubba. Of course mine and no are also staples in his conversation. He doesn't really jabber anymore; it's all actual phrases or words. I can't get him to eat. I try and he will seriously go the entire day on having milk and like one snack. I've tried just offering water all day so he'll eat, but he still won't. Any suggestions? He's having a hissy right now wanting to color with pens on everything while in my lap and also making it very difficult to type. So this is the end of my rambling, but hopefully it's enough for now dad and gramma. I had fun talking to you tonight dad. Love ya.
You know. I find that the everyday seemingly mundane things are often the most interesting. Thanks for sharing. Sounds like you are BUSY. Wish I had advice on the eating thing. It still mystifies me how Owen can go days on just milk, crackers, and fruit. I offer more, he just leaves it on his plate. Good luck!
I can just imagine Jo Jo's little voice talking away. I can't wait for Kenzie to start talking. Her best word right now is "No," of course. How fun you are going to Disneyland! It's so fun going around the holidays. Will you be driving?
I totally love your idea for Relief Society. I'm totally going to steal it and use it in our ward sometime. :)
As far as the eating thing I'm not much help either. Kate's not much of an eater and Kenzie seems to eat the best/most only at dinner time like every other day. It's so frustrating, especially when you have other children who are such good eaters! Good Luck!
Oh, sorry this is so long but I have the hardest time staying asleep too! Twice this week, (and it's only Wed.) I have gotten up with kids only to lay in bed for hours trying to go back to sleep. It's miserable! I hope the ambien helps. You'll have to let me know!
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