Jo Jo is pulling himself up on furniture now. He gets excited and scared at the same time. It's kind of funny. He's also mastered climbing to the top of the stairs, but doesn't know how to get down, so we've been putting the gate up so he doesn't fall backwards. We're planning on moving him next door to my craft room (formerly known as our guest room until I sold the bed). Yes, he's still in our room. He IS the baby you know. I've created a monster, though, so we're going to move him in hopes that he'll sleep at night. We're thinking that he would wake up Peanut if he wakes up screaming, so for now he's banished to the craft room. He's getting his top two teeth now too. We got his birthday pictures done last week at Kiddie Kandids, which if you don't have a lot of money to spend and only want one picture for your wall, they give you a FREE 8x10 for their birthday. I'm all about the free stuff now. We did, however order one extra sheet so we could have a wallet for each of the 4 sets of parents we have. But we got 10% off. So I tried going on Wed., but he was sleepy and had gotten shots. I know-I wasn't thinking. So I went back on Friday and he still wasn't too sure about it, but we got enough of a smile. He's way more smiley at home. Peanut was the same way.
Okay, more about free stuff. Tomorrow-Tues.-Denny's is giving away free grand slam breakfasts from 6am-2-pm. We're totally going. I've also been checking my freebie website from time to time and have been able to do two loads of laundry, got a pull-up, travel size shampoo and conditioner, and then two packet sized ones of two different kinds of shampoo and conditioner. Does anyone have any shopping tips on how to save money? I'm trying to be more frugal. Oh, awhile ago I got JP a pair of Gap jeans that were totally new looking at Savers for $4.99! I also got the two older boys really nice church pants there.
Butch is moving his practice to Smith Barney this week. He'll be starting Wed., so he's home today and tomorrow getting everything in order. Yay for me! I wish he was home everyday. It's so much fun just hanging out together. I'm so glad we got to spend 2 yrs. on the farm together when we first got married. I saw him all day everyday and it was AWESOME! He's my best friend.
The big boys are going to their first chess tournament of the year this weekend. Bubba has his first oral report on Wed. I'm going to tape it, so if I figure out how to, I might post it afterwards.
So just a picture of Peanut with more of his organization. Poor kid, got my OCD.
And also one of him wearing Jo Jo's hat yesterday. He thought he was pretty silly.
That is so nice that Butch has been able to be home. Jared had to be gone so much the last couple of years that when he is around so much now I feel spoiled and that it is too good to be he is going to have to go any minute. It is a weird but great.
That is awesome that Kiddie Kandids gives you a free 8x10. They used to do that here but I just called to see if I could get Owen in but they said you have to buy a sheet at $20 and then you get the free one. Stink.
As for saving money. I buy the clearance of the last season for the next year. So just this last weekend and for the next few weeks I scan stores for their clearance. I am not sure about where you are, but I got pants for Owen for $2.50 at Kmart, shirts too there and at JCPenny and Old Navy for the same price.
I hope that helps. Thanks for the Denny's tip. I am going to check if we have one. I hope so.
Can't wait to see Bubba's oral report. Your kids are growing up so fast.
Thank you for letting me send you some exercise stuff--I can get a little carried away. I'm glad that you like it. The Denny's line near us was like a Disney ride gone bad. We did not make it. I have been buying a case of evaporated milk at Costco. Then when our milk is about 1/3-1/2 of the way gone I add a can of evaporated milk, plus a can of water. It sounds gross, but no one has noticed. In fact, Justin thinks it tastes better. It's just one way I came up with to make the milk last longer. That's my most recent frugality. I thought about joining "the grocery game," (, but we decided that it wasn't worth it. Especially since we have to buy gluten free and other unique items for Kenzie and I. It was great talking with you the other day! I hope the chess tournament goes well. Good Luck! ~Janet
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