So bear with me because I took a million Halloween pictures-mostly of Cart-man in his pea pod costume. So I want to include several of them. I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but seriously people if you dress your dog up for Halloween, you need therapy. It's a dog for heaven's sake! Anyway, we ended up with three out of four of our pumpkin patch pumpkins molding so I only got to carve the small one this year. For those of you who weren't aware, that has become my job over the years. Daddio carved two pumpkins the first year we lived here, but that's been it. So I spent the day doing laundry in between carving and baking cookies for the neighborhood party. I picked the boys up from school and they ran home and got dressed and we were off to the party to play games and frost cookies and have pizza. We came home for about 45 minutes before trick-or-treating the entire neighborhood with friends. Peanut and Cart-man didn't quite last the entire time, but pretty close. There was only one house that Peanut wouldn't go to because it was "haunted." Not really, but they had fog and gravestones in their yard and noises. JP said, "This isn't scary," and then when the guy sitting still like a statue with make-up came up behind him he started speed walking right out of there. He never screamed or ran, though.
-As a side note, today was all red day at school because it's been fight against drugs week. So Bubba wanted some red pants and red hairspray. I got some red sweats at Walmart and then proceeded to go to FIVE stores to find the stupid hair stuff. It ended up being gel so it was spikey today. He thought that was pretty cool and was really appreciative of my hard work to find it.-
So my felt Tinkerbell costume actually turned out really well. I was proud of it. I also had some gold shimmer stuff to wear so I was sparkly. My baby pea pod is definitely the show stealer. Indiana Jones looked good, but gave up on carrying the whip pretty early on. Ninja's ties kept loosening and falling down. Tiger wouldn't wear his head and kept yanking his sleeves up. The costume was really too small so it was kind of funny anyway. Oh yeah, it was unseasonably warm this year, so next year I'm sure it will snow. It was in the sixties! It was the first year we didn't have to layer or wear beenies or gloves. We're so used to buying warm costumes, or things you can wear pajama pants under, but this year we were warm without it.
Wishing you all a fun and spooky holiday!