My poor sweet love has shingles. Poo. Last week he noticed a tiny circular spot that looked like a rash on his right hip. A couple of days later he told me that his right side had been hurting, so I convinced him to go to the doctor. My first thought was a possible spider bite because of the pain spreading. My second thought was shingles, but it looked more like a rash than shingles. In case you don't know, shingles is the chicken pox virus that usually appears from stress, but also if you're around someone with chicken pox and you've already had that before. In his case it was stress induced. I didn't realize he'd been internalizing it so much. He's learned his lesson. He is on an anti-viral so hopefully his will be the 10 day since he went in right at the beginning. My BIL had them once and said they were very painful. Well B is in quite a bit of pain. I feel so incredibly bad because there's nothing I can do to help. His entire right side hurts from his shoulder to his knee. He keeps having muscle spasms as well. The more rest he gets, the quicker he'll heal. I made him sleep all day yesterday. We went to the store today, but he rested most of the morning. He's been on pain pills and as long as he takes them every few hours, he seems to hold up okay. The problem is that the ER doc didn't give him very many. He's supposed to follow up with our doctor anyway, so he's going to call tomorrow to re-fill the prescription and hopefully also get a muscle relaxer for the spasms. Don't you feel horrible when one of your loved ones is in pain? I always wish I could take it for them. That's probably how Christ felt and one of the reasons he was willing to atone for our pains.
In happier news, I found some magic jeans. We were out at Kohl's on Sat. getting JP new church shoes and there is a brand new Dick's sporting goods in the same shopping center so the boys went down there and I went into the shoe store. I'm trying to find some new white sandals and I hadn't used my birthday money yet. I didn't find anything, but there's also a store on the way to the sporting goods place that I thought I would go into. I saw some good priced jeans and they had a kind that said they were just below the waist. Yay, non low riders! So I asked a sales girl about them and she warned me that they usually stretch out a full size within the first hour that you wear them. So I got my regular size and the size smaller. My size was really loose around the waist which had me feeling good. The size smaller still had room in the back a little, which is making me feel great. I went one size smaller just to see if they would fit because I didn't want them stretching out too big. Holy cow, they fit perfect! TWO sizes smaller than I wear. I haven't worn this size jean since college. So here's my take on them. I think they were invented by a woman who wants women to feel good about themselves so your normal size is labeled as a smaller size so you feel pretty dang good about yourself. Anyway, I think they're magic jeans like the ones in "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants." AND they go to my waist! I think I might go back and buy another pair.
This week we have the end of school carnival on Wed. Then JP has a class party at the park after school and a baseball game that night. Fri. is early release for the last day and we have JP's last game and Bubba's first tournament game. We both want to see Bubba's, but B is going to go to JP's for a little while so he doesn't feel bad. Sat. we have JP's b-ball party and the following Thurs. is Bubba's. Did I mention I'm the team mom for both teams? I ordered the awards last Fri. and pick them up this week and planned both the parties at the park to make it easy. However I have to round up everyone's money for the trophies and then get money separately after I find out how much pizza I need to buy. Needless to say my emails got a little confusing between the two teams. Sheesh. This is the last time I volunteer for so many things. I just hate the fact that NO other moms volunteered for EITHER team. This is a league of volunteers people-do your part. This is the 3rd time I've been team mom in the last 5 that Bubba's been playing-although I should count it as 4th since I'm doing it twice this year.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Do you ever have those afternoons where you want to poke out your eyeballs because your kids are driving you nuts? Well a certain 10 yr. old likes to argue with me. First of all I was nice enough to watch an episode of "Clean House" with him after school. This is a new favorite. They go into houses that are out of control with clutter, clean it all out, have a yard sale and use the money to re-do the inside. Anyway, afterward he was asking me what he should do. They don't have school tomorrow so he didn't have homework. I told him he should do his job, which is dishes this week. He was so annoyed. I reminded him that it involved loading and unloading. That made him freak out even more. He started whining about how he has so much to do and it would take him all night (this was a page right out of JP's book). So he proceeds to tell me that he has so many things that he's supposed to do, like go to school for 7 hours everyday and homework and chores. That put me over the edge. I asked him, "Really? You have so much to do? What about me? I do laundry, iron, cook, clean the bathrooms when you pee on the floor, vaccum, sweep." I forgot to mention helping him with his homework and driving him to his sports things. He contined to argue with me that his job was just as hard and that school was a waste of his time. That's when I started to say over and over "I'm not going to argue with you about it anymore." He kept on, but I couldn't hear anymore because I did that thing where you plug your ears when you're a kid and say "na na na na... I can't hear you." I know-real mature-but sometimes you have to sink to their level. So he finally did it and then asked me what he could do again and I realized he hadn't put the clean dishes away, so I told him to do that. His exact words, "You're kidding me!" Later, I was having a shower and he came in asking what he could do. I gave him several suggestions. After raining all morning it actually got nice out so I first suggested going outside, play a game, draw a picture, watch cartoons. None of these were ideas he liked. He actually even said the words, "Mom, entertain me." Like I have all afternoon to sing and dance for him. I have laundry to do and sweeping and dinner. Needless to say, I felt like poking my eyeballs out. While I was having my shower he had first asked me, "Mom are you having a break?" I giggled at that because whenever I have a shower in the late afternoon it's usually because I need a "break." It's my way to de-stress. My neighbor's husband told me once that he would come home from work sometimes and ask the kids where mom was and they'd answer, "She's in her bathroom crying." So at least I'm not alone.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
One of Jo Jo's fish!
All NINE fish!
JP's ginormous one!
Peanut's fish
Snow storm coming home
Alligator that they pet thru the fence!
Pellet gun competition that even my 2 yr. old participated in.
Horse riding
Fathers and Sons-
Left Fri. night after baseball around 9-ish. Stayed in hotel because it rained all night and dad was smart enough to have made a reservation rather than attempt to set up a tent at 10:30 at night in the rain. Went to camp the next morning for breakfast, horse rides for Peanut and JP, then alligator farm and fish hatchery. Afterwards dad took everyone fishing. In total they caught 9 fish. They would've caught even more, but a few decided to jump off the shore back into the water before dad could help out. Dad said maybe someday he would actually be able to fish himself again rather than helping everyone else one after another. It sprinkled on and off a little, but then Jo Jo started to get impatient and it got colder so they headed home and ended up in a snow storm on the way home! In the middle of May. I'm so done with this weather.
Mom's day-
Hung out with Alicia Fri. night making hair clips. Sat. morning went to gym, came home and showered and headed off to the mall. FINALLY found capri pants. Headed off to the temple, then Target to shop more while the boys were on their way home. Found a cute dress and shirt for my birthday. Then we all met at Carl's Jr. for dinner.
Our wedding day-reception at the Joseph Smith Building
12 yrs. later at Disneyland
Our 12th anniversary was Sun. I can't believe it's been so long. The years have flown by. We can pretty much read each other's minds now, have the same cravings, same headaches, yawn at the same time, and finish each other's sentences. All that stuff that you're not supposed to be able to do until you've been married for 20 yrs. I'm so fortunate to be married to my best friend. I can't believe the Lord sent me such a wonderful man. I never even imagined there was someone out there like him. He's WAY better than Prince Charming. He's such a wonderful husband and dad. The greatest man I've ever known.
Peanut and Miss Erika
Pre-school graduation-
Today Peanut graduated from pre-school. They said some of their little poems and sang songs for us. Then they got their certificate and binder. She makes them an awesome huge binder of pictures of them and projects they've worked on all year. Plus they started a cool writing program booklet and sent it home for us to finish this summer to prepare for Kindergarten. Then we watched a video with music and pictures of all the kids. All the moms were teary eyed at the end. The teacher said she always has to leave the room because she can't handle watching it. I signed him up for some fun summer activites they do. They have stuff going on all summer, so we signed up for 5 or so weeks. He's looking forward to that. Then we went for Chinese for lunch to celebrate.
Friday, May 21, 2010
B taught Bubba how to clean a gun on Sun. He was VERY in to it.
So yesterday was my birthday. My sweet husband put a Happy Birthday sign on the mirror. Then he told me he wanted to take me to the mall. He left work at noon and we ate at Panda and then went shopping. The only thing I found was a cute t-shirt for $3 at Dillards. And I used the money my mom sent for that. So it was pretty much uneventful. But the best gift was getting to spend the afternoon with him. Another super gift is the fact that he's taking ALL four of them to Fathers and Sons this weekend. I can't describe how excited I am to have a weekend all to myself. No noise. I'm going shopping and scrapbooking.
We left to get home for when the boys got home from school and he left to get a filling at the dentist. Not a very fun way to end the day for him. When he got home we took the boys shooting. I didn't really want to, but he promised Bubba he would take him to shoot his new gun this week. Oh well. The first 2 places we went that were usual spots have closed off to shooting for some reason. Luckily we saw some guys shooting off the road on the way home and they told us we were allowed to shoot there. They had been shooting whistle pigs-which are a varmit, so you don't need permission to kill them. We just went to have fun. Butch shot some clays up in the air for him and Bubba hit the first three. He was just over the top on the rest. I tried to shoot a couple and that was a flop. I definitely like his gun better than B's because it's lighter. Peanut shot the bow and JP shot his BB gun at a few clays he had set up on some bushes. Then he took off down the hill to hunt for whistle pigs. Which in case you don't know what they are, they look like prairie dogs. He found a bug to shoot the guts out of and was pretty proud of himself for that. Such a boy.
B took Bubba up the hill a little to hunt for some too and a few minutes later I heard a shot. B came tromping up a hill with a dead one in his hands. I went up to take a look and Bubba picked it up for a photo opportunity. If you have a weak stomach, skip the picture.
I didn't expect the damage even though I know what a shotgun does to an animal. I can't describe the smell. It smelled like dead animal, although neither of them seemed to notice. I decided to walk back down the hill. Jo Jo was content to pick up rocks and throw them in whistle pig holes.
To end the day I chose Costa Vida for dinner. All in all, I'd say it was a great birthday. Thanks to all my boys for their sweet cards.
JP's said,
Happy B Day Mom
To: Mama
You are a very special mom.
P.S. Love you (the "o" in love was a heart)
Happy Birthday
Hope you have a special day!
P.S. Love you
Bubba helped Peanut write-Happy Birthday Mom!!
As a side note, they gave Bubba the sweetest cards for his birthday. JP's told him that he was a nice brother even though they fight sometimes. Peanut made him two cards with 10's all over and told him he loved him. It almost made me cry because sometimes I worry that he and JP aren't friends and don't really like each other. B keeps assuring me that someday they'll be the best of friends. I sure hope so.
Oh yeah, to answer your question Delia-I did go that fast with everyone. With JP they stopped my labor for about 2 hours, so I don't really count that part. The pushing time cut in half. Then with Peanut I only pushed 3 times-head, shoulders, body. And by the time Jo Jo came around, I astounded not only myself but my doctor as well with one big push-like a water slide. :) I was very fortunate to have such wonderful birth experiences. I also used something like self hypnosis while in labor with the last where I would go into a zone visulizing my beach house and hearing the waves. It really helped. It was funny because with Jo Jo I could hear the nurses asking B about it. He told them I just went into my zone and breathed to get thru it. They said they should video tape it to show to other women to tell them-your labor will NOT be like this. :)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Happy Birthday Professor Grumpy Pants
In our townhouse wearing daddy's shirt-2001
Riding JP's 4 wheeler in the backyard-March 2007
Asleep on the stairs with pants on backwards-March 2003
For those of you who may not have read my post about nicknames, that was Bubba's when he was a baby. He had colic for the first year of life and that seemed very fitting. Sun. was his 10th birthday. I can't believe I have a 10 yr. old. B asked the other night, "Does it really seem like that long ago?" I normally answer that it doesn't, but then at the same time I realized it does seem like a long time ago that I gave birth to that little guy. That was his nickname in the womb-even before we knew it was a boy. My in-laws started calling him that and it stuck. I was on bed rest for a month before he was born because I was fully effaced. So for awhile I could sit up and watch tv all day and could get in the shower, go to the bathroom, or get myself food. I went in to the hospital one night because I was feeling contractions. When I got there they said they were 3-5 min. apart! That was scary. They put me on a magnesium drip and got them stopped and had me stay overnight. I had to go back in the next day to get shots for his lungs to develop. They do them in the hip. Avoid these at all costs! Very painful. Then it became full lying down and sit in the shower and no getting up at all. What a great husband I had who came in from the farm often to check on me. My MIL came up a lot too and brought me crossword puzzles and other stuff to keep me from going insane. Well at 36 weeks I had contractions all day so finally in the evening went in. They made me lie on my side and so the belt thingy wasn't registering contractions, so they sent me home and my doctor said he wouldn't stop me at this point if I did go into labor. I took that as license to get up. So we went to Pizza Hut that night and to a movie. Holy cow was I uncomfortable. That weekend we drove up here where we now live to see if we could find a house because we were planning on moving in July to finish college. We found a place and met the owners, and by the end of the night everything was set in motion. It was a cute little townhouse and we were all set to move in 4th of July weekend. We were going to head back to the farm that night, but I was in so much pain. I couldn't walk. My feet were so incredibly swollen that I couldn't put weight on them. I had a warm bath that night in a hotel and tried to relax as much as possible. I had to lie the front seat down all the way home. That day was actually Mother's Day and my sweet husband gave me a pound of See's candy. I stayed in bed all the next day eating it! I finished it. We joke that that's what made him come the next day. I was watching a game show called "Supermarket Sweep" on Tues. afternoon and my water broke. It was the strangest feeling. I never thought it would happen that way. Of course I started to freak out because I didn't have any idea what to do. I ran to the bathroom and stood in the shower to take off my shorts. I trying calling everyone on the walkie talkies and then called out back to his dad's trailer. No answer. I finally thought to call grandma who lived next door, however I had no idea what her number was and actually had to look it up in the phone book! She came over to tell me she had sent his cousin out back to get him. I was so embarassed because I still didn't have pants on, just towels. She helped me get dressed and settled. B called at that point and said, "I hear you're trying to have a baby." I could've shot him right then. I had already started having major contractions. He told me he just needed to finish loading the feedtruck and pull a cow around and then he'd be up. We were both under the assumption that I'd take awhile like my mom. She was in labor for 36 hours with me. He finally came up to the trailer and showered really quick. By the time we got to the hospital at least 45 min. had gone by. He dropped me at the door and went to park. I was trying to walk down the hallway, but that wasn't going well. I had to keep stopping to grab the wall. Luckily someone had seen me and got me a wheelchair. I was in the maternity ward when B came in. They got me all settled in a room and the doctor came and checked me and said I was already at 3-4cm. That seemed good. So B called my mom and left a message because they were at a ward skating activity. About 15 min. later the doctor came in and told me I was at a 6. Now I'm thinking, wow this is awesome I'm going so fast. So then B went back out again to call his mom. On his way back in he talked to the doctor in the hallway and he said I was already 9cm. I was alone in the room at that point-not even a nurse in there! B came in the room and I told him I really felt like I needed to push. He told me I wasn't 10 yet, but I told him to get the doctor because I was gonna push whether he liked it or not. Bubba had a big head. Well, I was really small too. So it took 45 min. (and an incredibly painful episiotomy that I felt) to push him out. It had been exactly 3 hours from the time my water broke. (My mom was really annoyed about this). He came out mad and flailing and ripping all the tubes out that they tried to put in him. He was 3 1/2 weeks early so they wanted to make sure everything was alright. We knew by the sound of that screaming that he was just fine. He weighed 6 lbs. 15 oz.! Just about 7 lbs. that early. I wouldn't have been able to have him if he had gone full term. I did it without an epidural which had been my goal. It was great.
Before church with baby Peanut-Jan. 2006
Baptism day-May 2008
And here it is-10 yrs. later. I sure love this big guy. He's a great big brother. He's very responsible, very smart, super fun. He has a contagious giggle. A few words I think of when I think of him-funny, handsome, pokey hair (from when he was little), determined, independent, loves to shoot, fish, ride his motorcycle, anything outdoors; baseball, football, looks up to dad, stubborn, and very loving. I love that he still says he loves me when I drop him off for school. He's not too old for his mama yet and it makes me so happy. What a wonderful, accomplished young man you already are. My sweet baby boy, I love you so much.
We celbrated by taking him, a friend, and JP to lunch and to see a movie. Grandma Susan and Papa came up too. Then we came home to have his giant cookie that he requested instead of a cake. We opened presents-a shotgun from mom and dad. He can't wait to go to hunter's safety this summer and then start hunting birds. Then they played for awhile and then on our way out to dinner we dropped his friend off. He told us that it was the best day of his life. I'm so glad to know we can still make his dreams come true.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Goodbye Aunt Ruthie
Aunt Ruth on the left and Grandma on the right
Yesterday I went to my great aunt Ruth's funeral. She would've been 89 at the end of this month. She was a wonderful, cheerful lady. I never saw her frown once. That's one of the things they talked about in the service yesterday. She was always happy and smiling, even late in life after her health started to decline. She got dementia several years ago, but still laughed at herself when she forgot something. In the end, it was her heart and kidneys that started to fail. Her oldest son was there last week when she quietly passed away in the early morning hours.
At a reunion where it rained the entire weekend, so she walked around with a shower cap on. With her grand daughter, one of my best friend cousins Rachel.
She and Uncle Arnie lived in Twin Falls and every summer, even though we lived in California, we would come up to visit. I loved coming up. I remember doing so many fun things-fishing with Uncle Arn, following Aunt Ruthie around. They were the best. We would see them every year at our family reunions and then go on to their house to stay for a week or so. They really were another set of grandparents for me. Uncle Arnie passed away 7 years ago so we know it was a joyous reunion with him and her parents and all of her brothers and sisters. She was such a loving woman always willing to serve others. This now leaves my grandma the last of 10. She was right under my aunt in birth order so they were very close. They looked so much alike that I would often walk up to my aunt as a little girl mistaking her for my grandma. She will be greatly missed. Love you always Aunt Ruthie. Thank you for being a wonderful part of my life.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
We finally did a silly one since everyone was being this way anyway.
This is the most decent one out of many, since Peanut made a silly face in almost every picture.
Unfortunately we have church at the crack of dawn this year, so I (like every Sun. now) was the first one up and out of bed. No pancake breakfast in bed for me this year. *sniff* The boys all had to fill out a little sheet of questions of things about your mom in primary. They made me laugh. Here are the questions (other than my name)
1. My mom is ___ years old- 33(B and JP), 31 (P)
2. My mom was born in______- California (B and JP), Utah (P)
3. My mom has ____ eyes- green (P), brownish greenish (B), green and brown (JP)
4. My mom's favorite color is- purple (P), JP originally wrote pink, but wasn't sure so erased it and put ???, Bubba wrote "something." My actual favorite color is a tie between pink and purple so they were both right.
5. My mom's favorite food is- ice cream (JP), broccoli (P), something (B). I do like broccoli, but it's definitely not my favorite.
6. My mom does not like to eat- fish (JP and P), something (B). Clearly one of my children doesn't think he knows much about me. :(
7. My mom likes to _____ for fun- take a nap (JP), pick weeds (P), and go on facebook (B). The facebook answer was given by the primary counselor, I swear I'm not on there all day long. Peanut and I had been picking weeds the day before. Apparently in his mind it was fun.
8. My mom is good at- cleaning (JP), driving (P), cooking (B). Good to know all the yelling while I'm driving helps Peanut know that I'm clearly the better driver.
9. My mom teaches me how to- do my multiplication (JP), read (P), delegate chores (B). Yes, that was his exact word "delegate."
10. We like to ____togehter- play Wii (JP), pick weeds (P), play games (B). Again with the weed picking!
11. I like it when my mom- plays with us (JP), takes me to the park (P), keeps me entertained (B). Yes, Bubba has a very hard time thinking of things to do.
12. I love my mom because- she helps me (JP), she cooks me dinner (P), she's cool (B). He thinks I'm cool!!
After church I was served a yummy grilled cheese on sourdough by my loving husband. It was the only thing that sounded good to me. I even got to eat it on the couch while watching tv. They gave me a box of Sees candy, a massage gift certificate (Yippee), a cake and flowers. The night before we stopped at the store on the way home because Peanut had told B earlier in the day that he really wanted to go to the market to get me flowers. So I stayed in the car and he came out with orange daisies for me. Such a sweet sweet boy. They also decided that I needed a chocolate cake. They know me so well!
After lunch I had a wonderful nap. I could've slept even longer, but I forced myself out of a dead sleep so I would actually go to bed that night. For dinner my awesome husband made one of my favorites-mongolian chicken. The recipe is from PF Changs and it's actually for beef, but he made it with chicken once and it became everyone's favorite. All day my boys kept asking me if there was anything they could do for me. My husband is the best and teaches my boys how to respect mom and treat her like a queen.
Breakfast of champions! You might think I'm a bad mom, but if you had him standing at your feet while you were trying to make jam shouting, "I wan piece a cake" over and over, you'd give in too.
Friday, May 7, 2010
His stylish outfit after church to go play in the backyard. He couldn't get shoes on over the feety jammies, so he got out the rubber boots. He makes this face all the time now. He hangs his tongue out whenever someone talks to him and he smiles at them-which of course means a chapped chin.
This is a robot, which actually looked cooler before it fell apart and got put back together again for the picture. Check out the ham in the background.
Life doesn't slow down or stop when you need it to. It's been another busy week. B and I were the only 2 parents who braved the freezing winds and dust storm on Mon. night at Bubba's game. Last night was pack meeting. The boys all made paper rockets and launched them in the parking lot with an air compressor. Then we shot candy at the end and most of the starburst flew right out of the wrappers. That got some laughs. Today was the Mother's Tea at pre-school. They dressed in men's shirts and ties and sang to us and served us chicken salad sandwiches and fruit and veggies and cream puffs. Super cute and fun. Peanut stood up and said, "I love my mom because she takes me to the park," and made me a placemat with a picture of a bumpy slide and heart on it. I'll have to take a picture of it and post it. Then we went over to the fun run at the boy's school. Every year they run laps and earn pledges to earn money for the school. This year since we moved to a brand new building, they're earning for playground equipment. JP felt like a failure because he only did 4 laps because he had to walk instead of run because his ankle was hurting really bad. I told him that was actually 2 miles, his best friend did the same amount and he should be proud of himself. A sweet little girl from his class walked the whole time with him. They got ice cream sandwiches and chocolate milk at the end. Bubba came out after that (they ran in shifts) and ended up with 9 laps or 4 1/2 miles. He ran most of that! Aren't you glad you didn't pledge per lap dad? JP had a game tonight that was a make up from Wed. since they cancelled due to the fact that it was windy and freezing. He has another one tomorrow at the complex where Bubba plays, so they get the chance to play where the big kids all play.
Monday, May 3, 2010
I don't feel like rearranging pictures today, so here you go all at once.
Bubba pitching on Sat.
Jo Jo kept telling me, "Take my picture," and then would go pose.
Kicking the ball during drills.
Cute soccer boy.
Foul tip Fri. night.
Playing 2nd base.
We were able to play Bubba's game from Fri. night on Sat. so we're not behind. We went to some beautiful fields that I really wish were ours. Oh well. Of course it decided to rain. Luckily it was just a steady drizzle, but it's really fun to hold an umbrella with one hand and score with the other, all the while trying to make sure the book doesn't get out from underneath at all. We played against our football coach's team. So Bubba played against 3 of his football teammates. One of which was a pitcher. He won't be on our football team this year because he's too old, but he was our quarterback so imagine that kid pitching a baseball. Um yeah. So Bubba got hit by a pitch in the foot and walked, but he did score a run on that. And then he struck out next time up. Even with the incessant pep talks (and yes dad I told him what you said as well-which B had already mentioned), he still gets down on himself. The problem was that B took him out that morning before we went to Peanut's soccer game and he hit every stinkin' ball! So he's frustrated that he can't do it in a game. I told him-#1 the kids pitching aren't as good as dad, and #2 he's physcing himself out. He insists he's not, but that's got to be what's happening. Yesterday afternoon B took them to the school to hit and he even dented a baseball, so the kid can hit.
Soccer was first in the morning. It was freezing. They did a few more drills for the first half and then they got to play an actual game. Peanut got to be goalie first. He was a little bummed afterwards because he didn't get to kick the ball because the other kids were crowded around it, but I assured him that it was okay because he went after it and knew what he was supposed to do. It was interesting to say the least. Some of the kids have no clue and others know what to do. I wish there weren't any 4 yr. olds so they'd at least be closer to the same level. Oh well, it's first experience and he's having a great time and learning new skills. I feel so bad because he really likes to play baseball with his brothers. Maybe next year his age group will be on a different schedule and he'll be able to play too.
We went on a date that afternoon. We discovered that if we go around 4pm then we can get to a movie and dinner and be back by bedtime. Jo Jo freaks out (even for my sister) if his brothers go to bed and he's left awake with no mom and dad to hang out with. They liked this sitter much better than the other neighbor. She's in our ward and just lives down the street. She even brought a book for Jo Jo and games to play with the bigger boys. She has a sister that's a little younger than Jo Jo so we knew she would be good. They told me after she left that they didn't like the other girl because she had texted the whole time. I told them they should've told me that after she left-not 2 mths. later. So they requested the new girl again for next time.
We have practice for JP and a game for Bubba tonight, so we can go see the game while JP is at practice, get JP after and come back to the game. I love days like this because I like to see all the games that I can. Oh yeah, it was uber cold Fri. night for JP's game. I had 3 layers, plus 3 blankets. It was windy and freezing. B is getting tired of my complaining at each game because I don't stop the whole time. But I'm just seriously annoyed that we haven't had nice weather for a single game! It's ruining baseball season for me. One of the mom's told me she brings a sleeping bag and doesn't care who laughs becuase she's warm and they're not. I'll try not to gripe today. It looks ugly out again. No sun yet and the wind looks like it's starting. It's freakin' May already!!! I might have to move before next winter.
Bubba pitching on Sat.
Jo Jo kept telling me, "Take my picture," and then would go pose.
Kicking the ball during drills.
Cute soccer boy.
Foul tip Fri. night.
Playing 2nd base.
We were able to play Bubba's game from Fri. night on Sat. so we're not behind. We went to some beautiful fields that I really wish were ours. Oh well. Of course it decided to rain. Luckily it was just a steady drizzle, but it's really fun to hold an umbrella with one hand and score with the other, all the while trying to make sure the book doesn't get out from underneath at all. We played against our football coach's team. So Bubba played against 3 of his football teammates. One of which was a pitcher. He won't be on our football team this year because he's too old, but he was our quarterback so imagine that kid pitching a baseball. Um yeah. So Bubba got hit by a pitch in the foot and walked, but he did score a run on that. And then he struck out next time up. Even with the incessant pep talks (and yes dad I told him what you said as well-which B had already mentioned), he still gets down on himself. The problem was that B took him out that morning before we went to Peanut's soccer game and he hit every stinkin' ball! So he's frustrated that he can't do it in a game. I told him-#1 the kids pitching aren't as good as dad, and #2 he's physcing himself out. He insists he's not, but that's got to be what's happening. Yesterday afternoon B took them to the school to hit and he even dented a baseball, so the kid can hit.
Soccer was first in the morning. It was freezing. They did a few more drills for the first half and then they got to play an actual game. Peanut got to be goalie first. He was a little bummed afterwards because he didn't get to kick the ball because the other kids were crowded around it, but I assured him that it was okay because he went after it and knew what he was supposed to do. It was interesting to say the least. Some of the kids have no clue and others know what to do. I wish there weren't any 4 yr. olds so they'd at least be closer to the same level. Oh well, it's first experience and he's having a great time and learning new skills. I feel so bad because he really likes to play baseball with his brothers. Maybe next year his age group will be on a different schedule and he'll be able to play too.
We went on a date that afternoon. We discovered that if we go around 4pm then we can get to a movie and dinner and be back by bedtime. Jo Jo freaks out (even for my sister) if his brothers go to bed and he's left awake with no mom and dad to hang out with. They liked this sitter much better than the other neighbor. She's in our ward and just lives down the street. She even brought a book for Jo Jo and games to play with the bigger boys. She has a sister that's a little younger than Jo Jo so we knew she would be good. They told me after she left that they didn't like the other girl because she had texted the whole time. I told them they should've told me that after she left-not 2 mths. later. So they requested the new girl again for next time.
We have practice for JP and a game for Bubba tonight, so we can go see the game while JP is at practice, get JP after and come back to the game. I love days like this because I like to see all the games that I can. Oh yeah, it was uber cold Fri. night for JP's game. I had 3 layers, plus 3 blankets. It was windy and freezing. B is getting tired of my complaining at each game because I don't stop the whole time. But I'm just seriously annoyed that we haven't had nice weather for a single game! It's ruining baseball season for me. One of the mom's told me she brings a sleeping bag and doesn't care who laughs becuase she's warm and they're not. I'll try not to gripe today. It looks ugly out again. No sun yet and the wind looks like it's starting. It's freakin' May already!!! I might have to move before next winter.
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